This last month has been bad for me when it comes to cognitive decline. I find that I am often misreading words...changes the meaning of things...sometimes I have to read something several times to understand. Forgetfulness?...(as us New Yorkers say)...."forget about it!". I will have trouble telling you the gist of a movie I watched yesterday. Actually that is kind of a fun thing because I often watch an enjoyable movie over and over again forgetting things from one time to the other. All the usual symptoms like going in a room and not having a clue why I did it. Stopping in the middle of doing something and thinking what am I doing? Losing my train of thought in mid sentence. Also I need to re-read my posts several times before I submit them because I use wrong words and syntax constantly. And even then I often have to edit them later.
I can't help but wonder how bad this will get because it really has gotten worse quickly lately.