How do you know how much to take?
Macuna pruriens: How do you know how much... - Cure Parkinson's
Macuna pruriens

Becky, I use Zandopa, which is Mucuna in the powdered form and I'm quite pleased with it. This is what I wrote in response to a similar question recently:
I experimented. I use the scoop and usually have two or even three in a glass of water in the morning. It makes me a little nauseuous so I have a bottle of water and glass and spoon by my bed and have it when I wake up 20 minutes later I eat something, then I'm out the door! Sometimes if I have a long day at work, I have some before I leave. I keep a tub in my desk.
I don't recommend my dosage to anyone - it's what works for me and I think you need to experiment cautiously. I've not had any ill effects with it. Also, I'm in relatively early stages of PD. I'm not sure how effective it is once you get further down the track.
Do you work full time?
No, three (sometimes four days) a week. It's quite a long journey too.
I sure miss working, but I know I couldn't work full time again...
Up until 3 years ago, I worked full time, very long and stressful days, and in the two years prior to my leaving my full-time job, was starting to struggle. I got very tired, my attention wandered, and I just couldn't 'process' things. Long story short, I was really lucky and found a great job with a smaller organisation, at the same level, but with part-time hours. I was really low, and couldn't understand why I couldn't manage the full time job. Of course, then I got dx'd with PD and it all made sense. So, this job is just perfect for me.