Until the last six months, I was cheeky enough to be able read posts from other Parkys and think "glad I am doing so well". Yesterday, it came to me that unlike most of my healthy friends, I am faced with my mortality. It is quite possible that my gentleman friend with whom I live, will be unable to care for me as I progress through the disease and that I will move away from him to the small community 4 hours away to be closer to my daughter. I am only 68 years old (diag in 2002). I will regain control of myself and continue on my journey, but I miss the carefree days before yesterday....
Head in the sand: Until the last six months... - Cure Parkinson's
Head in the sand

Hey Annmarie. John Pepper is 81. Come on. If he can get there why can't you?
Why do you assume he will be taking care of you he may get sick tomorrow and you will need to take care of him. Just live for today and enjoy yourself because tomorrow never comes it is always today. Read my post "Beating Parkinson's". I embrace life and love every thing about it including Parkinson's it has expanded my circle of friends not PWP but people i work out with. I do not know any one else that has PD. Be care free keep the people you love close. Cherish every minute of your life remember the things you have done the people you have loved. These things will give you peace. You will most likely out live some of your friends. Most people i know do no exercise like i do and if i did not have PD i would not either. From that point of view Pd has added years to my life.
Good luck and better tomorrows

Thanks - you are sooo right!
The way I look at it is it gives me time to plan. The same time I was dx'd a very close friend was diagnosed with advanced and terminal cancer. It really put my situation into perspective. Not that this isn't a tough gig, but I can plan for the less positive eventualities but hope for the best.
I am a breast cancer survivor, so can relate to what you say. Feeling more positive already!
my daughter is a breast cancer survivor of 4 years. She does the 3 day 60 mile walk and did it t while doing chemo. She is my inspiration. Next to her what i am dealing with is a walk in the park.
Her birthday is tomorrow she will be 43.
I hear you!!
I, too, find days when I feel intimidated by this crazy disease. But, you are right, tomorrow will look different. It is hard to know who or what will be there for us. In my case, I found a loving man to share my life after my children had decided that they could not deal with the reality of a less than perfect mother. We will all decline in some way as we age and we will surely find ways to deal with it as did our parents and their parents. That being said, my heart longs for my girls every day of my life,
have you tried taking organic coconut oil? 2 tbs /day and you should feel better in 3 months' time.
Conrad Li
We make choices, they are your decisions to make, not someone elses. Plan for a reasonable amount of security but stop worrying. The options are often not limited to only those that you are considering so look for other ways of accomplishing what you want to do and be with who you want to be with. Maybe there is a better way to have it all. Sometimes it is not necessarily one or the other and there is a way to have them both. Try some new approaches, out of the box, novel thinking, blue sky, Lets see , if you married your friend, then......... If you bought a house and everybody moved in, then..... .....
I am just saying step back and look at it again.

I stepped back and took a good look - I have it so easy.... have stopped feeling sorry for myself! Thanks!!
Down Days will come, that feeling of loss will be back, the sky will get gray, but you know that you can overcome it and you will. Not perfection but ....