I was diagnosed with P D about seven months ago. I am still trying to get used to the medication. Nausea and headaches are the worst problems I have. It is difficult to be on schedule with the medication but I know that it definitely helps the tremors. How do you control the nausea? The photo is of me, my husband and my granddaughter.
Babsmarg: I was diagnosed with P D about... - Cure Parkinson's

Please include what meds you are on so we can relate to your problem. You look very fit and have a great smile.
Are you on a exercise program . Exercise is key. It helps with all aspects of PD
good luck
Babs, you have one beautiful family!
Just wondering, is it possible you could get by with a lower dose?
I suffer from a tremor also I try to exercise every day, it really helps.
Also you might be interested in this:
another late night for me
I am like a baby got my days and nights mixed up.
it is 1 am here I went to bed at 6:30 pm
plenty of sleep but wrong time
Hi to you and yours!
Glad to get your post! I was diagnosed on 7/2003. I waited 3 months before I would take Sinemet. I have headaches from another cause so I can't answer to that aspect. The nausea part is still present, however, it does not occur with each dose for which I am very grateful. While we are not to take food with that med, I will take about 2 Tbsp of Greek yogurt first and there is no nausea. There is info out there re keeping most of the protein for later in the day, but this little bit shouldn't be bad. Since tremor is one of my two main symptoms, is controlled now and no tremor has reoccurred I believe this little bit of yogurt is okay. Just keep in mind that we all have different PD experiences, so it may not do well for everyone. I figured that if I threw up the Sinemet things would be worse!
If you are on Carbidopa/levodopa ( Sinemet Plus 25/100 mg or similar) the Carbidopa but only if you are 75mg carbidopa or more, i.e. 3 x 25/100 pills a day or more because that's the minimum of the Carbidopa which is the drug which helps with nausea. Initially a little food with the levodopa may be advised but not as a long-term strategy as it should ideally be taken at least half an hour before or 2 hours after meals (protein can interfere). Domperidone (Motilium®) is the anti-sickness drug of choice to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting as others may clash with PD meds.
I was about as sick as you could be whilst working up to three a day, thought to be the minimum effective dose and had nothing to ease the nausea and it makes me cross to think that there may be many who give up on this particular med for the want of adequate advice. I have no nausea now in spite of having a tendency that way and am still on Sinemet which helped 100% with my right-sided tremors, dexterity, tendency to get fussed and general well-being
Exercise is key - "use it or lose it" was never so apt a motto. Nordic Walking ticks a lot of boxes, Tai Chi, Yoga, dancing, boxing etc. All help with balance and posture.
Best Wishes
Hi BabsMarg. We all know how you feel right now. The bad news is that no medication is capable of slowing down the Pd. therefore whether you take it or not, your Pd. will still progress at the same rate. If the meds don't agree with you, then ask your neurologist to change them!
The good news is that there is something that can and does slow down the progression of Pd. It costs NOTHING but it requires a fair amount of commitment and effort. At the risk of upsetting a few people, instead of going into full details of how you can do this, at NO COST, go to my website - reverseparkinsons.net and read about WALKING, GDNF & MAO-b inhibitors.
Have you heard about Dr Norman Doidge? He wrote a book titled, "The Brain's Way of Healing". In it, among other very interesting items he has my Parkinson's story. He has investigated my story to the full and it IS TRUE! Get his book and read it.
Good luck!
I was diagnosed with PD in December last year, at first I had nausea but carried on taking medication. Now the nausea seems to have gone away ,maybe my body as got used to the side affects. Carry on taking the pills. albert
Consider not taking medications and exercising more. If your only symptom is tremor and you are not an actress, model or other glamour job that requires you appear perfect, a tremor is manageable. If it does get worse try alcoholic beverage...one a day not more. Good luck! When you clench your hand the tremor can stop...other managing tools apart from meds.
Great picture. When I first went on Sinemet I was very sick, then I was told by another Parkinson's patient that I could cut the pills into fourths and spread it out over the day. I did this a few days and then changed to halves. This took care of my nausea.
You might try doing that. The medication certainly helps. I als took the BIG and loud therapy. You might check on that in your area. It helps with balance. We have a group that meets once a week to do our therapy and soscialize. Just do not sit down. Stay as busy as your body will allow. I was diagnosed about 18 months ago and am doing well.
Maby you need to have your doctor prescribe something else. My first meds did the same thing to me.
I was put on sinemet and found it awful. Nausea was just one of them, spoke with my PD nurse and they swapped it to madapar it's much better. Tremor I have is helped when I take the small dose of propanerol 10mg. Think that you should speak to doctor or your nurse about trying something else.
I hope that you find something as feeling nausea all the time is horrible.
I was nauseated and had stomach problems. My neurologist prescribed domperidone (don't know where you love but Google as it may have another name). This was the end of the nausea and I barely have to take it as my body has got used to the sinemet.
Hi Babsmarg, I was dx'd in 2009, hated the meds, stopped taking the L-DOPA meds completely and only took Selegiline there are three that I know of, I take Parkilyne. 6-1/2 years down the line, I'm fine, yes I tremble, but I'd rather tremble than be sick! I am however expecting my neurologist to start suggesting L-DOPA at my next appointment! Good Luck!!
Hi Babsmarg
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time with nausea and headaches. My husband was diagnosed 10 years ago. Back in 2012 his neurologist prescribed Stalevo but it made hubby feel 'sick and tired'. Eventually Metoclopramide was prescribed for nausea....do not ever take this medication - it is horrible and actually causes Parkinsonism symptoms which are irreversible. My husband was on it for 16 months but it is recommended to only take it for a maximum of 7 days! When the GP realised the error (it was too late, as the damage had been done), she switched him over to Motilium. However, he no longer requires any anti nausea medication as he no longer takes Stalevo and his body seems to have adjusted to the Sinemet.
As paddyfields and others have stated - exercise is key. That is if you can. My husband also has arthritis in his spine, feet & shoulders. He's had total knee joint replacements on both knees and because of this he has not been able to exercise or walk. However, after attending a seminar in the UK given by JohnPepper we have managed short 8 minute walks most days for the past month and hope to be able to increase this in time. It's not much but I am sure 'every little helps'!
Lovely photo of you and the family by the way