For almost a week now, I,ve had neck pain, which has moved to include, back of head, down spine, and into my right shoulder, and arm, It hurts so bad I can't sleep, or roll over without extreme pain. I am thinking of going to insta Care after work today, I am so tired, but can't lay down to sleep, even sitting up with pillows and ice pack don't help much. I am very worried.
I have not been diagnosed with Parkinsons... - Cure Parkinson's
I have not been diagnosed with Parkinsons,but reading some of these comments has me worried, I have had a sore stiff neck, head,arms.

not Parkinson's
Hi Duhbadoo. I agree with RoyProp. But we are not doctors and you should consult a doctor and take it from there. It could be a very simple problem.
Good Luck
I have the same thing and haven't got Parkinsons , the GP once told me I have cervical spondylosis .. but John also had the same problem log before his Parkinsons diagnosis , once he started taking it improved .
GP told me to get some massage .. if I had time I would lol
Thanks everyone, I sent my doctor a message, I will see what she says.
Do simple yoga exercises
Hi Duhbadoo, Sorry to hear you are in the grip of pain on top of everything else . You just don't need it. There's an article in a Parkinson's Disease Foundation publication entitled Pain. It explains a lot about it. I don't know if this will get you there but give it a try:
I'm struggling with pain right now in the lower back and I'm working on it from my GP before I go to the Parkinson's nurse. I agree with you, the night times are pretty bad.
I went to the GP with lower back pains saying I needed a knee repacement as I believed my gammy left knee was throwing my back out and leading to pain and so on. I had had an orthopaedic consultation and they said a replacement was about the only thing they could do. The GP said it was too soon after that consultation to apply for a replacement as I'm still fairly mobile but that I should definitely keep my 3-monthly appointment with the oncologist who treated my prostate cancer two years ago. This is the bit I didn't like, she said the pains could be due to the presence of cancer in the back which with prostate patients is a likely target if it begins to spread again. On top of that my last PSA (prostate cancer blood test) was slightly elevated so I definitely need to check this. That's all happening this week.
Have you tried pain killers? They might give you some temporary relief.
dhubadoo, don't worry....IstaCare is not the right place to go. Go to a orthopaedic specialist who will look at your back and get you back to shape. it usually takes some time but you will be fine.
Could be lots of things. Go to a doctor now.