When I walk more than a couple blocks I get a pain in the back of my head. This started the same time as the tremor. MRI showed nothing out of the ordinary. Meds haven't had any effect, either good or bad. This only comes with walking -- no other kinds of exercise. Is this a pd thing?
Pain with walking: When I walk more than a... - Cure Parkinson's
Pain with walking

Hi Becky; I have not had this yet. But one never knows. PD is a very strange illness,
in that we do not know what symptoms are going creep up next to be gone in a few days or months.
I would definately talk to my doc about it!!
Keep up the good work!
Hugs, Eva G.
Hi Beckey. I think you are experiencing "referred Pain", which is caused by muscle spasm in the back. A trip to a biokineticist should fix that for you.
I agree with JohnPepper, I think you may have a back problem, visit a osteopath.
That was how my PD started 4yrs ago.Acupuncture didn't touch it.Any one had successm with chiropractic treatment?
I agree that it could very well be upper spine pain... the discs from c2,3 and 4 can refer pain to the head. they are shock absorbers and walking can impart impact from heal strike.
This is great information. Thanks, all!
What's probably going on is that the area of the brain that controls your walking is one of the areas that's being affected by the PD. Wayne State University (Detroit) researchers found that lithium orotate has the ability to both protect and renew brain cells.1 Eight of 10 individuals who took lithium orotate showed an average 3 percent increase in brain grey matter in just four weeks. Considering that Parkinsons causes the destruction your brain cells' capacity to produce Dopamine and new cells have a MUCH higher capacity for producing Dopamine than older cells, I would think that this is pretty big news for the PD community. My Father (who has PD) in law takes it and swears by it.