just saw my neurologist today and he wants me to have a DaT scan has anyone had one of these and if you did did you have any problem during or after this scan. really debating on whether to have it. Help ???????????????????
info on test: just saw my neurologist... - Cure Parkinson's
info on test

ditto i.e. "If you have already received a diagnosis from an expert, and are responding well to dopaminergic therapy, in most cases of Parkinson’s disease, PET and DaT scans would not add any new information, and may prove unnecessary."
Hi I had a DAT scan and an MRI and I'd pick the DAT scan every time. Quite straightforward just time consuming as you have to have the injection first then give it about 3 hours before they can scan. You're not closed in like an MRI - it was quite relaxing ☺
Yes I had one. You have to remain still during the scan which takes something like, hmmm can't remember for sure, anything between 20 to 40 minutes.
You have to have an injection of some radio active gunge for the scan to detect the things it is trying to detect. The radio active stuff has a half life of a few hours.
There is a waiting period between the injection and the scan. I remember this as about half an hour but another post said 3 hours. I suspect the 3 hours is more accurate..
I echo what someone said regarding there being no problem with the scan.
My result confirmed my diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
The scan is no problem. I think I had to take a couple of protective tablets/capsules a couple of days before the scan and yes on the day, I had to have an injection, then you're free to leave for about 3-5 hours then return for the scan.
I have had an MRI scan but have never been offered a DAT scan as yet - i shall ask for one when inert see my neuro in december
lol Jill
(i have PSP nto parkinsons by the way and it may not be possible to detect it with either )
DaT Scans are effective in adding information which is building towards a diagnosis. They are not in themselves diagnostic but can help differentiate between a conditions if the clinical picture is unclear. However, if you are responding well to L Dopa therapy I would ask the clinician what he or she thinks will be added to the picture from this extra procedure.
Hi Blackcat. I have been asked to have this type of scan, to prove once and for all that I do indeed have Pd. Unfortunately, We do not have anywhere here in South Africa that does this type of scan, so I could not oblige.
Why do you need such a scan? Are you not sure you have Pd?
Hi blackcat I had both... The mri was normal so ruled out tumors and other things. The Dat scan showed abnormalities which which were worse on the left side of my brain and confirmed my diagnosis of cbd instead of idiopathic parkinsons. The only part I found uncomfortable was having my arms wrapped up to my body. But it was only for 20 to 30 minutes. I guess the other part of this is are you sure you want to hear the results. In my case it was devastating even though I thought I was prepared it was still a shock.
I would have it if offered after 12 years. The more you know . . .
I had it. Was a painless procedure. Confirmed a diagnosis, but why have it if you don't have to?
I had a Datscan in 2003 and it was a breeze - honestly, I even fell asleep during it.
You take a tablet to switch off your thyroid and then have a radioactive dye injected, lie down with a helmet on then take a tablet to switch your Thyroid back on - that's all there is to it
Hi I had a DAT scan 5 years ago which confirmed the Neurologists diagnosis. Its really nothing to worry about, a bit like an MRI scan except they give you an injection 3 hours before the actual scan
I also had it because my symptoms fluctuated so much. It confirmed PD. This was both good and bad. At least I wasn't crazy! It's an easy procedure.
Yes, I had a scan and it is nothing terrible, it's a long time and the noise it's a little strong but they protect yours ears.
I am not sure if it's effectible for the parkinson's diagnoses but any way try it, because is very good once in a life, a deep review
Good luck
I had it and had a reaction from the dye. Rash and then hives. I was allergic to the med they put in the iv. Felt pretty nauseated and sick after said and done. Then told it wasnt to confirm it but to use in case i wanted in a research study or dbs. A mds at baylor is who ordered it. I flunked the test of course but wouldnt do anything else again unless there it was necessaty
I had this done before my dbs surgery to determine for sure that I have parkinsons. There is no side effect from the test. It's similar to a CT scan. Don't be afraid.