I'm having problems with constipation. I eat healthy overall and incorporate a glass of prune juice in the morning as well as a handful of prunes at lunch a well as having fruit smoothies for. Breakfast. it doesn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas out there for me?
Constipation: I'm having problems with... - Cure Parkinson's

Constipation seems to be a real concern for many of us. I have been to doctor after doctor with only meds and more meds. Constipation continues with lots of pain. I take more than I should but the pain forces me to bed. I know you hurt.
i talke movicol evey othe rday and lactulos ein between tiems
it seems ot work most of the item (but nto all)
lol JIll
What works for me is an apple a day and/or raw garlic. (In a salad or on steak, etc)
I take a probiotic capsule each night. Works for me!
I have suffered from constipation on and off since I was 18 - in fact I think that is when my Parkinson's first began to invade my body
I now use Novacol / Laxedo two or three times per day, my five fruit smoothie in the morning with my porridge and two Senna tablets at night
This proves very efficacious indeed.
The only downside is that my notice period can be very short at times so after my breakfast I need easy access to the Loo!! I feel so much better and have no tummy pains provided I keep to my routine
My husband has PD and suffered for more than 10 years with severe constipation, so much that we had several trips to the emergency room. He used magnesium citrate when it was too bad, besides a high fiber diet, stewed prunes, smoothies, etc. Finally he suffered a sigmoid volvulus, where his large intestine became twisted, probably due to multiple episodes of constipation. He had emergency surgery to remove the twisted portion of his intestine. This was traumatic and affected his PD symptoms for about 6 months, when he fell daily and needed a wheel chair. Currently he is recovered and no longer suffers from constipation. The message here is do everything possible to relieve constipation as it can cause permanent damage besides interfering with absorption of meds and nutrients. Don't wait until it becomes unbearable. Magnesium citrate requires no prescription, is a simple salt and no side effects. It is an inexpensive remedy for a serious problem, often not recognized by doctors.
I drink lots of water and take fiber capsules every day.
put TWO rounding tablespoons of flax seeds into your smoothie. it will make a big difference.good luck.
i use two rounding table spoons of ground flax seeds. in my smoothie. it helps enormously. also when push comes to shove i use 1 Dulcolax suppository. wait a bit , then try again. . when you get the urge.usually don't need it but when the time comes, it's the best and works like magic.
I have used Miralax but I am finding some success with flaxseed. There is to ask your for amitiza.
exercise like walking keeps everything moving better, drink adequate amounts of fluids, coffee doesn't count. Stool softeners can help some. Ask your doctor.
i blogged on the psp site abotu thsi problem and got lot s of advice
hot water b4 bfast
red wine and chocolate *
and then movicol/;lactulose when all else fails
hpe this helps
lol jlll
*and no med sto take for psp so i can enjoy soem red wine
I use a combination of things to do everyday and things that work alternately. Allbran cereal every morning and try not to skip meals and keep things moving. Also plenty of water (lemon water 24 ounces when first get up along with coffee or other fluid with breakfast. Alternate with prune-juice or prunes, figs, Cayenne pepper capsules (work great but remember to take with large glass of water). Number one recommendation though is a large fitness center with multiple abdominal machines to use several times a week (I use one machine until my stomach cramps and then do the same with a different machine the next day).
My husband benefited from drinking lots of water every day and taking Herb Lax, a Shaklee preparation that includes senna and herbs.
2-3 400 mg of high potency magnesium supplement a day. Not citrate. No toxicity from that much. Body processes and normal peeps get diarrhea. We just get to go! LOL my neuro doc told me this and it works.
It all depends on what you define as constipation. Does it mean hard stools? I always assumed that to be the case. I have had that kind of constipation for many years, even had the operation for it.
With Parkinsons, I had it in spades, spending hours in the Loo just trying to move something. I was prescribed Movicol, then Laxido. They had some effect but I then I noticed that I no longer had hard stools, more like the opposite, in fact. But I was still constipated.
I have concluded that the problem is timing. Timing is critical in order to take advantage of the period of medication when the body is at its most functional. That, in my case, is a very short period and the result is more frequent vists to the loo but much less time spent. A case of little but often.
Oh and diet is important, I don't eat white bread and I eat more fruit than I used to. Still don't drink enough, to my wife's disgust, but I just feel bloated if I drink more.
Anyway, good luck, this is another quality of life issue which affects us PWPs.
Proper diet is the best long term way to deal with constipation but in the short term something more immediate is needed. We all know that an enema can help but that's not very convenient or practical (to say nothing about uncomfortable) to use often and definitely not for mild, frequent constipation. A way to use water for quick relief is with a Hand Bidet Sprayer. Used primarily for improved hygiene it can also be used to shoot a blast of water up your pipes to loosen things up and get them moving. Fast, convenient, and comfortable. See bathroomsprayers.com.