Can I drink beer even if I have parkinson? - Cure Parkinson's
Can I drink beer even if I have parkinson?

Everything in moderation. If it seems to upset you stop for a while. My husband has trouble carrying more than two pints from the bar but drinking is not a problem at the moment. Just be sensible, if that is possible.
Yeah if you don't mind an increased chance of falling over lol.
I believe it is not recommended but I suspect that is only because nobody has studied whether this could be harmful or not. Better spending your money on other research and just warn people on the patient information leaflet not to drink alcohol.
I never worry about it but then I only ever drink small to moderate quantities of beer anyway.
Never heard that if you have Parkinsons you shouldn't drink. Have heard it is not advised with certain medications which probably has to do with the metabolising of the medicine.
Why should you not have a drink? Anything at all in Moderation.
Life can be intolerable enough without having a little something special.
I have had one light beer after dinner with no problems......
are you taking PD drugs? read the instructions - most of them include "don't drink alcohol"
I prefer not to take chances
We were told that for many meds the 'avoid alcohol' instruction was to cover the drug company as they had not tested the medication in enough people who do drink. Some of the old meds affected some people's livers but moderation is the key as well as looking into the background or your medications.
My husband was told NO alcohol with PD. Being Mormon that is not a problem,
I wear a raincoat, so as I don't get my clothes too wet
but yes try small amounts at first, then swim in it if you like!
You are unique in your Biochemistry so no one can tell you but yourself if you will react badly... Good luck and God bless!
I would reccommend that you talk to your doctor to determine if it might be contra indicated by other meds. I did so, my doc found no med problems for me, but simply cautioned care and self - monitoring. I now enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with almost every dinner.
I am on Sinemet Plus. I've not been given any guidance with regard to alchohol. My major symptom is tremor, for which there is no drug treatment anyway. I enjoy an occasional drink, my average consumption being about 4 units per week (say, 2 small glasses of red wine and one pint of real ale). I cannot detect any reaction wrt the Sinemet. I do think there is some beneficial effect on the tremor. A few weeks ago there were some blogs by PWP who used alcohol daily to ease their tremor. God bless
There are many excellent nonalcoholic beers on the market. I like Kaliber-- brewed by Guinness -- Becks, St. Pauli Girl. I never feel deprived when eating pizza or weird in a restaurant when everyone else has a brew. I just ask for a Kaliber. Taste is great and looks like any other microbrew with a cool bottle label.
I am recently diagnosed and not on meds but I find my tremor goes away with half a 6 oz bottle of beer and wine helps as well but beer seems to be better. I'm also happier after I've had a little beer because I enjoy both the alcohol and taste. Am I doing any harm to myself?
Do you know the saying, "A little of what you fancy does you good."?
I am a carer, not a medic but strongly believe that we are expert in knowing what is and isn't good for ourselves. In time you may find the effect alcohol has on you changes, but for the present, if you benefit from it, enjoy it! Cheers!