Has anyone information on the benefits of... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone information on the benefits of coconut oil, taken 3.5 tbl. a day? I have read that it is beneficial with PD.

Hi JackieMJ,
I take 6-8 tablespoons a day for 4 months and have been very pleased with the progressive decrease in my PD symptoms. You really should be reading Stop Alzheimer's Now or Alzheimer's Disease: What if there was a Cure before undertaking coconut oil therapy. I have posted quite a few times about my experiences, so you can search for my user name "satwar".
How do you "eat" 6-8 tbls a day. I used to cook with it but I'm sure hubby didn't get that much in each day.
Hi wifeofparky,
I just do it. I started out with one tablespoon a day, and slowly worked my way up, to avoid intestinal problems. I felt better when I distributed the dosage throughout the day. I was experimenting with taking an additional tablespoon before bed, to mend the cells while sleeping, but I didn't like my resulting sleeping problems.
I like the taste of coconut oil, although I recognize that "eating" coconut oil out of the jar can be challenging for some people. I have suggested that people melt down a 50/50 mixture coconut oil/chocolate chips and freeze in an ice cube tray. Keep in mind, though, that coconut oil therapy is a life long commitment, not just for a few months.
I keep forgetting to mention Fuel For Thought, a very drinkable coconut oil product with fewer calories. Could be a little pricey for some people but solves a lot of problems with "eating" it. Only available in United States.
Thanks for the response. I also like the taste of the oil and foods cooked in it. I found a coconut spread from Olivio that is good on bread, bagels and muffins.
I drink my tea and hot chocolate beverages with a spoonful of coconut oil inside. Satwar, please what sleeping problems did you experience that you think were a result of the oil? I have problems sleeping and I hope having a spoonful in my cup of hot chocolate before I sleep isn't making it worse.
Hi Joanne-Joyce
Before I took coconut oil, I used to wake up in the morning feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I also used to be aware that I was not sleeping more than few hours at a time.
After coconut oil I awoke refreshed and ready to meet the day. I was taking 3 x 2 tbsp with meals per day. I then decided to try an additional tbsp of coconut oil just before going to bed, and started to notice I was waking up frequently at night. I started taking a sleeping pill, but asked myself why am I taking another medication, so I stopped both. I now take magnesium just before bed and no coconut oil and I'm sleeping better again.
Thanks Satwar. Does the magnesium help you sleep through the night? How do you take it?
Hi Joanne--Joyce
I take magnesium malate 150 mg. My nutritionist suggested 2x150mg midmorning and 2x150mg before bed. Yes I believe it relaxes me and helps me sleep longer. For me, I really get sleepy about an hour after taking, and I don't remember falling to sleep.
How many would you need to consume a day to derive benefits. It is rather pricey.
Hi tlongmire,
Firstly, capsules are the most expensive way of consuming coconut oil
Secondly the largest softgel capsules contains 1 gram of oil. The general recommended dosage for healthy people is 1-3 tablespoons per day. This means you would have to take 42 capsules a day. If you have serious diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, most battle plans call for 6-8 tablespoons per day, well you can do the math.
Another pricey but more reasonable solution is "Food for Thought", but only available in United States. Seems to be a great for traveling or for people who can't "eat" coconut oil, or just because it eliminates the mess.
My question is how much "Food For Thought" would you have to consume to derive the same benefit of eating coconut oil.
Hi tlonmire
Please check out their web site cognatenutritionals.com
I believe they recommend 2-4 servings per day. I think they also say one serving is equivalent to eating 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, but you should check with them. It sounds like powerful stuff so I'd take it slowly and build up or you could get serious intestinal problems.
Make bullet proof coffee. Cup of coffee with heavy cream, sweetener, and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Blend. It sound terrible, but it really tastes great.
i tried eating a TBL spoon full. for a couple of days. and thought it was awful . just the thought of another spoonful makes me gag. i did try frying with it, and it did make the food taste better. but my husband is diabetic, and it makes his blood sugar go up. between a rock and a hard place.
Hi judam9,
Sounds like you should be reading "The Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Living". I've started reading it and it explains very well the reasoning behind the diet. It also tells you how to start the diet and how to maintain your good health for the rest of your life. It spends a lot of time discussing diabetes.
Hi, judam9, pour hot coffee into a blender, add the tablespoon of coconut oil, some sweetener, and some heavy cream. Blend. An immersion blender is best, but a regular one will work just fine. You can also use tea or cocoa. VERY good, and coconut oil has been found to help with diabetes.