Seems that a lot of PWPs on this site report side effects.
Are you on Sinemet? Is it worth the side ... - Cure Parkinson's
Are you on Sinemet? Is it worth the side effects?

Hi -
I have been on Sinamet for several years now (I'm 51) and have not experienced any side affects with it.
I am on it with minimal side effects and significant benefits - it has greatly reduced sudden arm/head jerks, reduced "vibrationing hands", rmimized tremors, reduced the feeling of feet rooted to the ground. This week my neurologist doubled my night time dose of Sinemet slow release to 2 tablets of 50/200 and last night I actually slept 6 hours straight (do not know when that last happened). I know side effects do occur, but as of yet I find it to be well worth it. good luck - hope it helps.
I take Sinemet 1 1/2 tablets 25/100 4 x/day. I have not had any side effects but I'm also not sure how effective it has been for me either.
So far so good with my generic C/L ER version ... 25/100 2x per day. Will soon have to up the dosage I think but no side effects ... yet. Oh a touch of dyskinesia has popped up ... look like a bobble head at times.
I've been on and off it 7 years now. Without it my left ankle is totally rigid and I walk like Igor. I've gone off it to try Stalevo and Azilect and I asked to be put back on C/L. I started off with what I was told was minimum dose 25/100 4x a day. I've added a time release same dose at bedtime. Only side effect I perceive is water retention and constipation. Some dyskinesia now too. Good luck.
My neurologist started me on sinemet when other meds did not work. It worked great until she increased my dose to 5 tablets 25/100 mg five times per day. This caused severe dyskoneisas (SP, sorry). I started walking 2 miles or more per day and slowly cut back to taking 2 tablets twice a day. Now all is well for over 2 years. Also, ask for the Teva brand of sinemet (it seems stronger than other generics, less stomach aches, less allergic reactions, same price).
My neurologist has me on Sinemet 50/200 twice daily slow release. No side effects that I know of. My tremors can break through after aprox. 6 pm. Then I'll take one glass of wine or a xanax or in some cases a puff of mmj indica/kush and that will knock out the tremors for the night . It's important to note that only ONE of the three do I use per night as needed.
When I started on Sinemet less than 2 years ago, it was as if my life had been given a new lease. I have no discernable side effects. I would fight anyone who tried to take it away from me. I can move, I can talk, I can cut my own food. I'm not the other me. I will never be again, but I am one heck of a lot more me than I had become. I never am without Sinement.
When I first started on Sinemet it made me terrible sick to my stomach. I worked at it till I now take 2 after every meal. I'm sure it has done a lot for me. But then I will never know how much.
I seem to get a lot of side effects from meds. Found Carb/Levo 100mg 4 times daily was helpful without side effects. My Dr. then changed me to Stalevo 100mg 4 times daily & Carb/Levo 100mg once and I'm doing quite well.
Thank you everyone for the feedback
My Dad has been taking Sinemet for about 15 years. He is now up to 2 1/2 sinemet, + 1/2 tablet of Sinemet CR 9 times a day. In the last 6 months I have seen major changes in his ability to focus, rationalize, calculate and comprehend any type of daily or weekly schedules. It did wonders for him for many years, but now I'm seeing the dark side of the disease and medication. The disconesia is nothing to worry about, compared to what happens to the thinking process and memory. That's what is worrying me.
I take 3 25/100 3x daily. but i feel like a junkie who needs a fix after 3-5 hours. start slowly and titrate up until you are comfortable. i echo the comment that the side efx are worth it. I'd love to stop taking it though, not to be in the near future. I also take Requip xl 6mgs 3x.
Levadopa has been the industry standard since 1960 to minimize the symptoms of PD. However, if one takes too little, it does not work. If one takes too much, they wind-up up with dyskonesias; usually a foot that jerks without warning. If you balance how much you take you are good to go for 6 to 10 years, then your body no longer reacts to L-dopa.
C-dopa was added to reduce upset stomachs. Also, some generic sinemets can play havic with your stomach (usually due to the filler used or an allergy to the yellow dye that is added. I find the Teva brand of sinemet works the best.
What side effects were you concerned about Jerebet? I am on Madopar, which contains levadopa as does Sinemet. I find it veryeasy to tolerate. Levadopa in its various forms is still the gold standard treatment for Parkinsons. No other medication is as effective. I think we are getting better at adjusting dosages for maximum benefit for minimum medication.
Can't type today is siminit andb levafopa cab I'm sorry the mix the
Same? Also is there danger off weight gain oitt?
I've eating. Is sues thank iu!
I'd SAY yes, but after 7 years I get dyskinesia sometimes which I control by upping my protein intake and getting up and getting active.