HOW DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT pd CAUSES???? ... - Cure Parkinson's

i am not sure what you r gettign at what sort ofmedical probs do you htink are caused by PD?
lol JIll
It can probably be blamed for about half. The remainder we can blame on the Mother-in-Law / the Government / God / Evolution / Reincarnation, or whatever pet hate we have this week.
My choice is the Mother-in-Law - if she had been more careful, I would not have been able to marry the worst spouse since Eve.
And, talking about reincarnation, if we do alternate between a good life and a bad one, I am coming back as a Cranefly (daddy long-legs) next time - they have sex once, and only live for 24 hours, then they come back for a long, happy, good life.
good golly, you are was the damn mother in law...and I win first place for having the WORST one !!!!!!!!!
hmmm daddy long legs, sex only ONCE??? nah.............I would not go for that.....
2 or 3 times atlease.
one christmas when i was waiting for that divorce, i managed to get the DJ on BBC National Radio 2 to read her a wish for a happy Christmas, but i used her nickname, much better than her real name. i used to call her "Godzilla in a Dress" - to her face, not behind her back.
Beat that and you can have 1st place
we had to call my MIL,by her first name.....even my children , she did not like grandma or nana or "bitching Granny"..... when I was in Europe on vacation, I ran into people who knew her...and when they heard my name, they would pale and ask............. "are you related to "blah blah"? and when I would say yes, they would walk away............
she was hated WORLD WIDE. I would need about 50 pages to list some of her horrible antics not only to me, but soooooo many others.
I will let you have 1st place BUT....... I am close behind you......
no, it's yours. your mil becme global
do I get a trophy?? a blue ribbon?? ????
or just the satisfaction of knowing I had the worse !!!!
don't forget, it would be less than 24 hours and you would come back to a long, happy life with as much of anything that you choose as you need, so you could probably sleep through the waiting bit, and not get bored waiting.
remember this soing
I had forgotten about this song, and when I clicked on it, I sang right along ...........!!!!
You are fabulous, to have taken the time to send that. Laughter is the best medicine, and I just had a triple dose !!!!!!!!
I'll tell you what it causes, it causes a great big "pain in the ass"!!, that's what it causes!
I can read your mind, Parkinson's has made me telepathic so watch what you're thinkin' People!!
now you have really scared me............
okay, thinking of a number between 5 and 7.....................
go ahead, show off........but I bet you can't guess the right one....
I'm feeling sex, yes Sex, SEX!, Jaynie are you thinking about SEX! Oh my,no , wait a minute, so sorry, very embarrassing, six, six is the number you're thinking of, yes SIX!
telepathic damn, you are good......... wow !!!!!! Telepathic..... amazing, cuz you are right on BOTH !!!
Sex...since PD my mate informed me there is no interest in sex due to the Parkinson's. I would imagine that SEX is a problem in a lot of homes when one has parkinson's. Sad.
if that is true. Sad too if because the one with Parkinson's
wants sex and the caregiver hold out or the other way
around. What say ye?
Right on!! ever since I was D every little thing in my life is caused by PD. I have an app in a few weeks with N. I am writing down every question i can think of for this time. I never asked enought before. maybe i can understand more about this "PAIN IN THE ASS". of course that won't make it go away!!
I find that it is easy to question what is not related. I do know one thing Over the last three years I have become 1/2 the person I was, and still wonder why me. Also I wish our State would let you find a DR. to bring this hell to and end
No doubt... no one had anything to say about their birthday. We should have the right to say something about our death day.
I know what you write. I am not half the person I was before Parkinson's. It has effected my
entire living, incomed, position in life. I also wonder....why me????? Haven't gotten answere yet.
Dennis, I am where you are. I imagine there are many, many more of us who are not even half the person we were before Parkinson's. I suffer all of the things you mention: income, position in life, and many others. I, for one, suffer from constant, unrelenting pain in one of my legs and both of my arms and prevents me from even getting into a sitting position to try and get out of bed but which is scoffed at by my friends and family and referred to as my attention getting pain, This causes the worst pain of all, a broken heart, and makes me suffer rather than ask for help until it gets to the emergency state Now don't get me wrong, my family is not abusive in any way and generally speaking take good care of me, but they have heard me crying in the night so often that they are frustrated, too. I have blurred double vision which makes it almost impossible to eat because I cannot find where to aim my fork......and so on and so on and so on, I have tried very hard to keep a smile on my face and play the "I'm fine, thank you" game, but it would be just about impossible not to think....why me? I used to have a really nice life, not wealthy but far from poor, kind of pretty with gentlemen callers, many friends and an incredible family, but now......why me? If you ever get an answer to that one, please let me know because it Is one I will ponder for the rest of my life.
Of course we can blame everything on PD, but the next best thing??? Blame it on your husband, he probably has thick skin best of all, he's probably used to it.
Seriously, You have to laugh at PD and use your mind to overcome, don't let PD win.
That's what 's great about Rock Steady allows you to fight your opponent, PD, physically....the exercise is great/fun and you get to let off frustraations punching the bag (not the mother in law!) or the pads. Your physical and mental attitudes get better, depending on your effort. Google it and watch the won't believe what you are doesn't matter how old you are...they have PwP over 90 doing it!....or how bad your physical condition is.....people do it 2 - 3 times a week for 90mins a time....they get results and they love it....I went to RSB in April all the way from Sydney, Australia...did the course and now am starting it up in Oz....I have done actual boxing since I was 50, diagnosed with PD when I was 58 ...increased my training to about 5 times a 65 and still going strong...sure I have bad days, like you all...but you've got to be pro-active yourself...but have the support of, don't give me no lip! All of you out there, get off your bottoms and start doing something really physical....good luck.
I agree with you 100%. My thing is riding my 3 wheeler that has a battery so if I do cramp up, I can easily get home................
sometimes I don't think I can do it, but I push on and lo and behold, it becomes easier.
diagnosed in the age of 60..........if you met me now, you would not know I had PD. But it is slowly catching up with me..........but I will keep on fighting it.....
we should be doing the TV show...............Jupiterjane you are so funny and you always make me Jane to another..........we could write a great script......and include of course
"alllowercase" he is really funny also.
I must come up with something about my mother in law (may she NOT rest in peace) to win first place over alllowercase's MIL.
by the way, where are you from??? I live in Green Valley Arizona, just south of Tucson.
it would be so gr8 if we could all meet somewhere and get to know each other.......
anyone want to go to Las Vegas???? I am ready.........see ya there ??!!!
All you Parkies are a hoot! For one day I wish we could all gather and laugh until the cows come home!
MGirardi, where do you live?? wouldn't it be fun??? all getting together??
I would promise to behave myself......... well, maybe not all the time......
thanks for the compliment.. one last comment about the mil. she is an angel - always up in the air and harping. she IS an angel - and the sooner the better.
a mass meeting would be great fun, but we all need to be able to swim - half way is about the virgin Islands. and saying Virgin has given me an idea - get Branson and Gates and another few rich listers like Ecclestone, to pay for it.
Virgin, hmmmmmmmmmmm now there is one scarey word.......I am pure of heart, but that is about it....
wish I had the funds to fly everyone in, Dear Mr. Gates, .................
yooohooo Mr. Gates, hey, over here..............make me a loan??
POOF..........I'm now a loan !!!!!
Please, tell me what IS a virgin? it is so long since i heard of them that i have forgotten what they are, which sadly means that they are eiher a very endangered species, or they are already extinct.
and with 2266 members, plus either a spouse each or a carer, i doubt if the virgin islands has room enough for 4532 people at one go. we would need to be very friendly. but that would give us a good launch pad for the dating agency.
that's are a genius....... a dating program for Parkies only...........hmmmmm what should we call it?? "Partners for Parkies" or "Parkies Personals"???? come on. don't
make me do it all............suggest a few !!
and about Virgins...... not many left since each terrorist gets 72 each, when they reach heaven. Do you think they deserve to go to heaven????????? I know, I know, God forgives all. and by the way, I am very friendly .!!!!
what the terrorists do not realise is that they get the foolish virgins and we get the wise ones'
For the dating service name, Howsabout Parking Spaces? But I really insist that our logo is an Emu, and his motto is something like I beat Parkie - so can you. (To understand that, google Parkinson Emu)
foolish virgins and wise virgins??? Better than imposter virgins, right???
Do I have to keep calling you "alllowercase"?? Or do you have a first name?? LOVE the dating service name....... Parking Spaces...yup sounds like when I space out..........
and the Emu video is a riot.....those guys are crazy, and I actually laughed outloud.
Okay, Parking Spaces it is, and the Emu is the logo........and "I beat Parakie and so can Emu..."
now we just got to find the darn virgins, and what do we call a male virgin???? Slow??
"I beat Parkie, so can you "
a male virgin can only be called "impossible" in today's moral climate. Mind you, females are about the same. Imposter virgins are recreated by the plastic surgeons.
yes, i have a first name.
okay I will take a guess.....
bob,ted, tom,jim,harold,bill ,alex, roy, dick
Adrian - and the dog is Sushi
Jaynie and my dog is Izzy
and I LOVE sushi !!!
you would have loved her yesterday. there is a High Court Order keeping my ex a minimum 100 metres from me, the flat, and the dog. I was just parking at the supermarket when ex came out. she had no choice but to walk next to the car, so ok, accidents will happen. so long as she does not talk to us that's ok. she couldn't help herself looking at sushi, which is understandable. but sushi was in the back of the car, ex looked at her, and sushi just turned her back and sat down. and no, i had not spoken to sushi - it was entirely her idea. absolute magic.
dogs just sense the right thing to do............
well, most dogs. I think if someone broke into my house Izzy for sure would bark, but if the person gave him a treat?????? He would follow them anywhere...
and if you had spoken to Sushi ??? She does exactly what you tell her to do??????? wow, she is special!!!!!
3 miles is fabulous for you to be walking. I am starting in 3 weeks, with a personal trainer. trying to build up my legs and arms and back as I want to get fit for trying to play tennis again. used to play every day.......and played pretty darn well....the High Court can keep people away from their x pets....??
Adrianm , where exactly do you live??
sorry, don't know where the M came from that I added to your name....
sushi would take their hand off before they could get it into their pocket.
I swear that she understands normal human speech, not just commands. She has several other tricks that she has taught herself. For instance, she hates the alarm clock (It is designed for the deaf), so she wakes me 2 minutes before it sounds off.
Whenever I get visitors,she will not stop barking at them until they have sat in a specific kitchen chair, then she just toddles of to her bed.
Being a Tibetan Yeti Hound, if you shout at her, she just switches off. total selective deafness. But the best is her tracking ability. I must to tell you about the time two weeks ago, we were with a friend, her puppy and her 4 week old baby. We got lost and i had the idea of letting her flexi lead to it's full length and telling her to find the car. it was over a mile, but she had a good sniff of the ground then the air, and headed straight to it.
3 miles is only the early morning walk. 2 miles at lunchtime, when we meet a gang of anything up to 20 other dogs for socialisation and play. and 2 miles after tea.
good luck with your get fit campaign.
Yes, our High Court can do that, and much more beside. The judge really didn't like her. he finished up shouting at her. several times.
I live in London, England. For google maps, the postcode is N17 0JS
Sushi sounds so fabulous !!Ii take it, she is the "Alpha" in your house.....
I don't know what I would do without my Izzy. No matter what I do or don't do.....there he is, tail going like crazy and he has a wiggle his eyes I can do no wrong. well in most peoples eyes, I can do no wrong.<grin> I take Izzy every late afternoon or early evening, to a large doggie park which is not farfrom here. I love watching him play with all his friends.
the best way of doing nothing wrong is to do nothing.
sushi's lunchtime walk is her social, and at tht time, there are several professional dog walkers, so if i cannot manage the walk, they will take her and i can sit at the burger hut with a coffee (or what they insist is coffee, but i have my doubts) she meets a few dogs there, so he can get play as her exercise. most days i make it all, but my average speed is about 2 mph. - around 4 hours a day, plus driving to and from. I sometimes move the lunchtime walk to the forest so she can hunt yeti's
hasa she ever found one??? Yeti's that is.
there are dog walkers around here but they charge a fortune.....I am starting a new exercise program with a personal trainer, and that should help me a lot so then I can walk Izzy with no problems.......we start the program in 2 weeks.....maybe i should train for a marathon??? like running to the mail box and back.......whew, good goal to set...
I love the humour and the ripostes. However! The question was a serious one!
My Pd went undiagnosed for 29 years, before my doctor realised that I had a neurlogical problem. He had been treating: Insomnia; Constipation; Loss of Libido, Chest infections; Eye problems; Apathy; exhaustion; Memory problems; Loss of confidence and a whole host of other symptoms as symptoms of other diseases and conditions, for all that time!
I can't blame him, as I did not tell him that I could not write properly, throw a ball or dart properly, speak properly at times, and many other symptoms, because I thought they were signs of growing older.
When he noticed me walking badly, coming into his surgery, he realised that I had a neurological problem! Bingo! Think of all the money I had wasted on pills for all those years!
Ten years later, at the age of 69, I became aware that I was actually feeling a lot better. It happened so slowly that my family and I did not notice it. It was only when I met old friends that they told me I was looking so much better! When I told my family this, they thought about it and realised that, YES, I had got better! Read about Exercise, Walking, GDNF, Stress and many other subjects on this website for more info.
For the last ten years, I have not had to take any Pd medication and I live a perfectly normal life, again. I am now 78 and doing very well.
You can look at these several questions on this website to see how I managed to do this.
i am lucky - having sushi there helps give their dogs a wider social group, so they don't charge me. anyway, it's not often,and they know i have pd. they also know what sushi was like before i started to untrain all the bad my ex had put into her. at first, when i got rid of the ex, i seriously considered having her put down. once i had untained most of it, i then started training good behaviour. the whole thing has taken 9months so far, but there is not far to go
What's the good of having Parkinson's if you can't blame it for all your personal failings?!
ya know...??? you are so right !!!!!!!!!
No you cant blame PD for everything I had DBS last year thinking a lot of my problems would be fixed but a lot weren't. You can become convinced that PD causes everthing. While researching DBS I was on the internet quite a lot reading other sufferers problems with side effects & think 'That's happened to me' while it had, I know now there were other causes. PD does lots of different things to people but not everything!
someone should tell that to the doctors, Seriously, I believe the medical profession overlooks many important issues because it's so easy to blame it on PD. I come from a major US East coast city with the best doctors and university hospitals, but they also blame it all on PD. Go figure,
Has just been released to Australian Media, less than 30 minutes ago:
Gene Therapy.
I am not faulting PD for everything...but parkinson's does cause many negative affects in peoples lives and families. Wish there was a cure for the killing of parkinson's.
How are you doing now? What meds are you on?
I am worse. Doctors and medications were changed
and I feel worse than before. What a mess. PD
does not go away by wishing or I would have wished
it away. I think of the negatives I am in and I think of
many with pd and other illnesses and wish recovery
for those illnesses.