Welcome to Parkinson's Movement, a free resource delivered through HealthUnlocked.
This new site provides a simple way of linking people with Parkinson's from around the world, and provides a vehicle for sharing opinions which in turn informs research into a cure.
To summarise what’s available on the site:
By answering the 'Polls' you will be sharing your opinion on a particular current topic. This enables us to take your views and share them with the wider Parkinson's world, be that industry, researchers, regulators.
In "Questions" you can ask something to the community about any research-related topic - be it symptoms you experience, or cause, or things you want to know about your own Parkinson's. Someone in your community may have some additional knowledge and experience that can help. And you can also offer people the benefit of your experience too.
The 'Community Blog' is for your opinion on the way forward to find a cure or insight and new research you've heard about that you'd like to share with the community.
And just hit “comment” below a blog entry to add your thoughts on someone else’s blog post. (You can do it to this one as a practice if it’s your first time.)
Over time you will see the community grow, and it is definitely affected by how much you get involved in the site. The more you add to it, the more you’ll get from it. We hope that you will find the new site useful, interesting and rewarding.
Remember this is a great resource but it's not a doctor and you should always consult with your doctor or clinical specialist about your condition, particularly if you are considering a change in treatment.
Enjoy it.