whole body machine. Anyone looked into that? They come in various prices and power. I am going to try to talk to some physcal thearpy people. Any thoughts or commets.
I read about people using vibration to he... - Cure Parkinson's
I read about people using vibration to help with circulation and was wondering about taking that one step further to a .

Sounds like a massage. I use a foot message, (Great). I also have a small recliner that vibrates. A gift from my wife, Donna, who purchased on line at Kmart.
I have used a vibration trainer and the vibration goes from your feet up to your face
and head, supposed to work every muscle. I woul much like to use again but
apparently not reccomended if you have gallstones like me as it can shift them
down the bile duct, neccessitating emergency operation. Much more
powerful than a foot massage, and gives you a mental boost too - something
to do with serotonin I think.
Did you use the WBV only once? Do you think it helped with cold hands? Did you think it helped with your balance? Where did you use the trainer at? A physical therpy office, a fitness center?
I believe it helps.
If you google 'vibration trainer/parkinsons' there is a lot of information avaiable.
I did use only once on a visit to a granddaughter who worked at a studio using
just vibration training, but regret very much not beibg able to use again.
To me it is painless excercise which I find hard to get any other way. Before
you decide anything there is probably a facility near you where you can try
out a machine, ie a gym. I wish you luck and would love to know what you
Thank-youi. I am looking into this for my husband who has PD and also had a stroke at Christmas.
So sorry to hear of your husband's double whammy. If you are in UK, you
might consider a private intense rehab course I have heard of. If youGoogle
freedomfromstrokes.com/page 7, you will come to Parafurdo
Hospital in Hungary, which also treats parkinsons. It is expensive but
what price health ? i would certainly go there if I had the cash, there is
a connection with a gentleman on the Isle of Wight, where I live. Sorry
to bombard you with info, but I just hope you may find help somewhere .
Thanks Val., We don't live in the UK. He did have rehab 3x a day for 8 days. but the best help with movement came when his movement disorder doctor upped his carbiopa/levodopa 25/100 to 6 tabs a day and requip 8mg 1 x a day. I will check out the web sight you mentioned. Stroke doctor said what every movement he recovered would come in the first year and after that it probablly would not come back so we are looking into anything and everything. Thanks again for info.
I will share a few fun movements that the speech therapist said to use to help with movement in the face and mouth. One was to blow up balloons, another was to lick peanut butter off a spoon with just the end of the tonge, chew bubble gum and make bubbles with it. switch the gum from side to side in the mouth. Blow in a windmill or a party favor. Blow a whistle. Make funny faces at your grandkids. SMILE and talk in your loud voice