Anxiety attacks with Parkinson's making ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Anxiety attacks with Parkinson's making my life hell.

doddy profile image
16 Replies

Since September when I went on stalevo and mirapexin my panic attacks have got very bad,.i wake op and feel I cann't move the panic sets in and takes me hours to get out of that freezing state it has got so bad it's effects most part of the day

I also take 1 sinimrt ,a half sinimet , madopar 3 times a day.

I stopped taking rasagilinr 3 weeks ago .

The doctor has now given me mirtazapine anyone been on this and does

It help with the anxiety .

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doddy profile image
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16 Replies
jupiterjane profile image

Hi doddy.

Those anxiety attacks are a real pain. It took me a while to find the right med. I take Lorazepam 0.5 mg, a low dose, and I only take it when I need it. I also started seeing a psychologist which really helps. There's something about having someone listen to you while you vent an purge all the nasty things this stupid disease does to you,

Good Luck

themom profile image

Since I've been taking Mirapex I've been having anxiety too. I also take Sinimet and Comtan 4 times a day.

Pete-1 profile image
Pete-1 in reply to themom

Could be a coincidence. Anxiety is not listed as a possible side-effect for Mirapex.

PatV profile image

I would get off the mirapex--your anxiety could lead to compulsive behaviors that will ruin your life. It did for me. Check it out. My humble opinion is that your neuro should be starting you SLOWLY on any combo of drugs. Mine did.

doddy profile image
doddy in reply to PatV

Thank you for your answer very helpful.i think

It has been my downfall they have me on far too much

And there is no we're to go. .

PatV profile image

just keep talking to your doctor and anyone you can until you get to a better medication regime. Don't give up.

Bitbit profile image

This is Remeron, a medication that doctors I worked with on a geriatric psych unit commonly prescribed for seniors with depression and anxiety. It makes you sleepy too, so for most it can help with insomnia/. I am not sure of your age? I don't notice those under age 65 on it where I work. It's worth a shot. I have seen it help many seniors.

Like JupiterJane said, Ativan or another benzodiazepine can be a godsend for sudden panic. There is a likelyhood of addiction and tolerance if taken daily, but even just knowing these are available in severe panic can ease anxiety. (I worry about having panic before it even happens!) I have klonopin which has a long half-life, meaning it should last all night if taken before bed. I don't take it every night because I want them to work when I need them to. Just knowing they are there in a pinch helps my anxiety attacks stop from building to panic. Ativan has a shorter half life, so it can get out of your system quicker. Doctors really worry about FALLS with these medications. They can lower your blood pressure or decrease your respiration rate, so they might not be great choices if you have COPD or orthostatic hypotension.

I think klonopin is pretty commonly prescribed for PD patients. Lots of neurologists get uncomfortable prescribing psychiatric medications. You don't have to suffer with this - keep in close contact with your doctor - if you don't feel better there are other options. I see a psychiatric nurse practitioner - an expert in the interactions and chemestry and side effects of psychiatric meds. And easier to get an appointment with a NP than a psychiatrist. Since I addressed the psychiatric portion of the PD with a specialist, my quality of life has improved. That anxiety is rough to live with! Best of luck! Sorry this is so longh ...

Joealt profile image
Joealt in reply to Bitbit

[see below]

Dennis profile image

So sorry for all you are going through.

Many are where you are and things will turn out for the better.

It sure does not seem like it at the moment (at least to me it doesn't)

Best wishes

Penpal profile image

My doctor put me on Mirtazapine about 6 weeks ago and the difference it has made in my life is amazing. My anxiety was making my life quite miserable, in the car when some-one else was driving I turned into this terrified person that I didn't know and over the last year or so every time I flew my panic got worse to the point that I thought I would never be able to go on a plane again. But, wonder of wonders I feel "normal" again. Here's hoping it lasts!!

Joealt profile image
Joealt in reply to Penpal

My Depression and Morning Shakes were out of control. I was having a bad day every day. My doctor put me on this med. I took a half a pill before bed time and slept like a baby for the first time in months. My shakes even went away. The only thing I don't like about it is the Weight Gain. I gained some weight because it gave me the appetite of a bull. I just renewed my prescription for another two month supply so I hope that it continues to work.

Holbertsavich profile image
Holbertsavich in reply to Penpal

I also have anxiety when my husband or either of our daughters drive and I'm in the front/passenger seat. They seem to be going too fast, following too close, etc. I also feel anxious going over high/long bridges and cashing out at a grocery store. I have difficulty coordinating unloading the items and getting my payment card out of my wallet. I'm aware of the cashier and other customers watching and waiting on me. Regardless, I still shop where I bag my own groceries. It helps to get my payment card out in advance and keep my hands free by using a shoulder bag or pockets.

isis6361 profile image

Anxiety is a non motor symptom of Parkinson's. about fifty percent of those with pd experience this. yes it can be worsened by medications and by simply reducing the the pramipexole dose may help rather than adding in more meds at this time. Pramipexole is an excellent medication and only 17 percent of all iPd patients are at risk of developing icd from any medications used in pd. citalopram is commonly used for treatment of anxiety as is CBd behaviour management.

123leelee profile image

Pramipexole Made my anxiety severely worse! I take Xanax for anxiety and to sleep.

RayW profile image

Hi, you sound in a bad way. All I can tell you is that Mirtazapine has been helpful to me. I have been on it for a long time. I tried coming off it but found that after a while I became of low mood and troubled again.

Hope it helps you as much.

Autumn56 profile image

I just wish that the insurance companies would pay for CBD oil. It is so good for anxietiy and no side effects.

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