I am running for....... Quest Week 1 - Feel f... - Couch to 5K

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I am running for....... Quest Week 1 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
34 Replies

Welcome to the I am running for ........... Quest feel free to join.

This quest is a bit of fun, as some of you know I am starting my tick box journey to a new pair of shoes. I am trying to see if working for my shoes like this gives me as much motivation and sense of accomplishment as training for events. I really can't justify a new pair of leather high heels but I like them so each week I will be putting some money aside to buy Amazon vouchers where they are a really good price. I've told myself I need 6 weeks all boxes ticked. I've even added in some healthy nutrition boxes as well. I've made it all achievable but just a little stretch. So that's takes me to the end of the quest.

Please feel free to join in if you like, it's just a bit of fun. I just thought it would make a good name for the Quest, after nearly three years I'm running out of names so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run.
























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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34 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Starting week one of tick boxes this week. I have reduced the amount so I have a little bit of time to get over this lurgy. My only run this week will be a 3km probably by the end of the week so I'm really hopeful I will be ready but I will be doing my stretches today. In my plan there are weights, push ups, sit ups, squats, swimming (not this week) walks, running and stretches.

GoogleMe profile image

Raring to go after the all round success that was my last Quest with a last minute tick against the bike ride.

The trick now is not to get cocky and keep the goals challenging but achievable. The same again would be OK!

So here are my goals (which seem like a lot, but aren't):

1) continuing with 30DaysWild

2) complete another yoga programme. I'm choosing a follow-on from the complete beginners programme I did last Quest. It's only 3 classes and I'd anticipate repeating a class twice a week.

3) Belly Dancing class and/or La Bomba class on NHS Fitness Studio

4) get to Masson Mills on my virtual River Derwent swim

5) bike ride

6) a running goal....oh I'm really not sure I have one this time... another interval session or two? another 10k or two? Perhaps the running is old enough and ugly enough to take care of itself by now?

and the result of all this (and sensible decisions around food) should be getting to 68kgs

And one final goal which maybe some others would like to join me in?

Squats for Rignold , every day.

PippiRuns profile image

1) My immediate goal is to run 5 km. I've already done 4.2 km so that should be achievable.

2) My next goal is to be able to do 5 km comfortably. I'm thinking that could take 6 weeks, maybe even longer. I'm not sure how to approach it, but will figure it out with the help of you lovely people and my new running club mates.

3) My third goal is to lose 1 stone in 6 weeks. I'm 2 stone overweight. So far my focus has been on learning to run and making it at good habit and I haven't lost a single pound. But this challenge inspired me to start thinking about my eating as well.

Go! And good luck to everybody.

sparky66 profile image

Count me in...

I would like to

1. Continue running 3 times a week

2. Once a week run 5k to train for my race for life on the 10th of July.

3. Squats every day for Rig.

4. Swim twice a week on rest days.

Oldfloss profile image

I would like to join the quest and I would like to;

1. try to make 9 K.. ( I don't mind how slow I go on this)

2. lose the 3/4 lb that is annoying me on my 9st 5 3/4 lbs!

3. cycle every other day

4. get rid of all the bruises and cuts I gathered, falling off said, cycle, last week! :)

Good Luck to everyone in their quest too!

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns in reply to Oldfloss

I particularly like no. 4. Please do that.

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I'm with you on number 4!!

folkieboater profile image

Count me in please rfc and thanks for your work keeping us all motivated.

Last quest was not good for me - too much work and staying in hotels. Wish people would stop saying "wow that's a glamorous lifestyle". It's not on so many levels! 15 hour work days leave no time to run. Eating out healthily is so difficult and breakfast at 6.30am and dinner at 10pm often with nothing in between is not a good thing. *Whinge over*

This quest I hope to:

Run at least twice a week - although I know I'm away 8 days and won't have time to run, nor luggage capacity for kit.

Lose a couple of kg again - slowly creeping back up due to eating (and drinking) out and endless takeaways.

Have a go at yoga - possibly hot yoga. Just fancy it and I've got a free voucher...

Run a non stop 10k. Long time since I've not walked part of it. Got back to 7.5k today after a iffy spell.

Report back more!

Good luck everyone.

folkieboater profile image
folkieboaterGraduate in reply to folkieboater

I'd like to add that the losing weight hasn't started well. Decided to go out for a late birthday meal with the Mother in Law tonight....I appear to be carrying a cherry pie baby🙀🙈

I would like to join you all on this quest and I would like to: -

1. keep on running 3 times a week

2. slowly increase my distance up to 5k

3. do a yoga session 3 times a week

4. Stay happy!! (This should be first on list because if you are happy everything else falls into place!)

I'd also like to get in some nice walks, and enjoy the summer.

Good luck to everyone else as well!

runningnearbeirut profile image

Count me in please. My goals:

1. A speed run every week

2. A 5km run every week

3. A "long" run every week - increasing to 8km

4. Get rid of the bruises and grazes (now very spectacular and colourful) after my fall last week. Note that this is number 4 to be in solidarity with Oldfloss ;)

Coddfish profile image

Count me in, please. I think this may be a difficult 6 week period as I am away from home quite a lot, including holidays.

So here goes. I normally run twice a week and swim twice a week but the swimming will be hard to do when I am away. I will therefore focus on outcomes rather than process this time, with an objective of building up to and achieving my first 8k run

Sandraj39 profile image

Think I'd like to be in again please! My goals are as follows:-

1. Continue to run three times a week.

2. Complete another 12k run, 9possibly even a 13K), as training for a 10 mile event later in the year.

3. Keep including regular hills! (Have my eye on a mammoth one, but not ready for it just yet!)

4. Get up early enough on the odd Saturday, to make it to parkrun again!

poppypug profile image

I'm in please ! :-)

I will be continuing My Asics plan for the Manchester Half Marathon in October.

Thanks for putting this up again RFC ,and may your stay on the Sickness Couch be a short one .

Good Luck to all fellow questers , and big hugs to all those on the IC and all those going through tough times . Peaceful and healing vibes to you all xxx

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Count me in this time and I am going to try the following:

- Continue 3 runs a week (or every other day). One 5 k, one longer run and one form of intervals/speed

- Try and get to 10k in the next 6 weeks, preferably under 80 minutes

- Try and get a continuous 5k in the next two weeks. I seem to have started walking at about 3k. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I want to keep the ability to do 5k non-stop

- Work on my core strength (and practise that damned "sitting/rising test" until I can do it. Grrrr)

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Sitting and rising test? Is that where you cross your legs and sit down then stand up again without using your hands? I am struggling to do any core exercises.....

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply to skysue16

Yep, that's the one. I can't get back up - I have to use one hand, so that's only 9 points. And that annoys me, because I feel fitter than that! My 25-year old son keeps demonstrating it to me and makes it look so easy. Drives me crazy!

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns in reply to JaySeeSkinny

My husband only got 9 points when he first tried a couple of days ago, but managed a straight 10 yesterday. It's "learnable".

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply to PippiRuns

There's hope then! I know you can do it, I was well impressed!

misswobble profile image

Count me in RFC. Thanks

Still in training for 16k race. My jog leader saw me today and has another 10k race lined up for me in addition to an earlier one I entered 😊

I have just discovered cycling so hope to do more of that this week

Maintain my walking levels as per

Not a brill start as I hurt my calf on Saturday morning but am feeling much better.

Do my strength workouts if time allows. Nearly finished my current one ☺

HeatherGrrr profile image

I'm in! In 6 weeks I've signed up to do a 10k race (eek!), so my aim is to build up my distance each week (did 7K on Sunday), and to run 3 times a week.

I also lost a stone in weight over the last 6 weeks on the NHS 12 week plan, so I'm also aiming to keep losing 2lb per week so I can head towards another stone gone!

I love the idea of putting aside money for a treat as well - I might do that too and use it for a post race reward! ☺

runswithdogs profile image

Count me in RFC. I'll go for one long run per week, one yoga session, and squats on my workdays.

DiamonteSandal profile image

Count me in!

I would like to:

1) Graduate! (three runs to go)

2) Complete a parkrun without walking INCLUDING the hill at the end

3) Keep running 3x a week

4) Get back into my DDP yoga inbetween

5) Lose weight. I too haven't lost anything since starting the programme because I've been kidding myself that my extra energy required extra fuel. Time to focus. 2 stone to go.

Sivaram007 profile image

Count me in...

I would like to

Short term goals

1. Run a 5k in 25 minutes

2. Reduce weight from current 74 to 67

3. Run my first half marathon in October under 2.15

Long term goals

1. Finish a Marathon

2. Run a 5k under 20

2. Run a 10k under 40

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm in please - I'm going to work on my distance and see if my missing stamina is hiding around Cordes somewhere. I never expected to find it so hard to get back into running, Mr Achilles is staying schtum, I just don't have any oomph...

Anniemurph profile image

Count me in please, Rfc.

Not sure what I'm running for! For the joy of it, I guess, and for gratitude that I can :)

I have three goals for this Quest, one of which is to run in Singapore. I've been several times but have never taken my kit with me - I've always chickened out because I've thought it would be too hot and humid. So my running tourism covers some wonderful places but not one of my favourite cities. This is the Quest to change that - even if I only run for 20 minutes.

Another goal is to run 10k three times in this Quest.

And another one is to enter another event by the time this Quest is over - not necessarily to run in it, but I must enter it, and it must be this year. I'm already entered for an event next year :D

Thank you for organising us again :) Happy running to everyone who can, and a swift recovery to those on the IC or who are struggling in some way x

Katie204 profile image

I am running for...Race for Life on 25 June (gulp)! 10K! I graduated from C25K about 10 days ago and am using the C25K+ podcasts. At the moment I am hoping to get round the 10K course in daylight - anything else is a bonus!

skysue16 profile image

Thank you realfoodieclub these quests are really helping me.

I will endeavour to:

1) run 3x a week

2) run at least one 10k during the quest

3) do some core exercises (failed completely at this during the last quest!)

Best of luck to all

Happy running!

Beek profile image

I'm not quite sure when this quest started (5 days ago I think) anyhow please may I join?

I've been away from running for ages now, due to injury, but feeling I could make a start again.


Strength and Flexibility twice a week.

Very slow walk 'run' as best that I can (don't know yet how my leg will stand up to exercise)

Drop of at least 2kg in 4 weeks.

So glad that I got back in touch with this wonderful forum :) :) :)

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Beek

BEEK!!!! How good to see you here again! Welcome back :) :) :)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Thank you RNB!

I have decided to give it a go, starting from scratch and see how far it takes me. I'm starting 8WBSD alongside starting from TOMORROW now!

It was going to be this morning, however yesterday's broken tooth cap put paid to my best intentions with a trip to the dentist first thing. (and boy did the drilling hurt to repair it!)

I'm so pleased that I've got back in touch. It's lovely to feel part of such a nice group again! :) :) :)

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Beek

Don't get me started on dentists - I have the joys of root canal work to look forward to on Wednesday :(

I've had some injuries and busyness, laziness and so on get in the way, so I started again at about W4 in the autumn as I hadn't lost too much by way of basic fitness... but winter also got in the way, so I didn't actually finish for ages!

Do hope your injuries don't stop you again. Take care.

PS how are the bees??

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Oooh, That's a whole other new beginning!

I lost all my bees last winter but really missed them in the bee garden. A friend brought me a swarm last month and yesterday I went through them, saw eggs and larvae plus marked the new queen and it all looks hunky dory now!

I've been in a pretty rubbishy place for several months one way and another and now it feels like I'm emerging back into life again! I'm beginning to get my energy back!

Feels great!

Hope your dentist treats you gently! You'll soon have it all behind you. Good luck! :) :) :)

AncientMum profile image

Just seen this RFC. Could you sign me up please. My goal? Running 3 times a week (hopefully) Thanks for organising this as usual - hope you get those lovely shoes you want so much x

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