can someone explain CMT.I read the problems but what does CMT cover in total?
Can someone explain what CMT is about... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
Can someone explain what CMT is about, what does it all mean, is it about bones?
I would suggest you take a look at the CMT Uk website you should find your answers there.
Hello to hhennessy ...... My Question to you is ! How much spare time do you have ? ? ?
Right ! Pay attention, I'll only tell you this once ! ! !
Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease, is a PROGRESSIVELY WORSENING NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE : It is also called Hereditary-Motor-Sensory-Neuropathy by our 'health-professionals' :
>Hereditary - (passed from a parent/or both to an 'offspring :
>Motor - Command Nerves (carry signals/impulses/instructions, from your brain to your muscles) :
>Sensory - Sensory/Touch/Feelings/ Nerves (carry signals to you brain from your hands, and extremities:
Neuropathy - Any disease of your central, or peripheral nervous system :
Currently there is no cure for this disease, however, most interestingly it is the most common inherited neurological disorder, affecting approx 30,000 people in the UK :
Positive Mental, and Physical Mangement is your "way-forward" !
You must adjust/manage/accept, the different, and varying stages of this debilitating disease which, regrettably will never get any better :
Basically your Motor nerves, and also your Sensory nerves, which are contained within your, 'Peripheral-Nervous-System' are damaged :
Your nerves have AXONS which are 'wrapped-around', or insulated, in a wax like substance called MYELIN :
In CMT your myelin is defective, and it 'LEAKS', therefore the speed/velocity/strenth, of your nerves signals are considerably slower to reach your muscles :
Therefore over a very long period (lifespan) your MUSCLES WILL WASTE, due to the loss of a strong nerve signal's, not being received at your muscles:
A NEUROLOGIST SHOULD BE CONSULTED ! They should take blood tests, and send them to a specialist laboratory, to confirm what type of CMT you actually have : They may also send you for an ELECTROMYOGRAPHY (EMG), to test the actual/current speed/velocity of your Peripheral nerves :
DNA testing is now also being used to confirm a definitive diagnosis :
The muscle wasting then in turn causes other bone disorders : CMT symptoms, Pes-Cavus>(High Arches) >Tight Tendons >Muscle Wasting >Lower Limbs >'Clawing Fingers Hands >Foot Drop >Hammer toes >Lower leg weakness) etc:
Cmt may start in childhood / teenagers / adulthood 30/40's, we all are different : The severity of this disease vastly ranges from each sufferer and can be, mild / manageable / disablement / and in severe case's 'wheeled-mobility' is required !
The medical orthopaedic professionals now tend to treat the resulting walking, feet disorder problems by tissue re-positioning, and tendon transplant, or tendon lengthening : Bone removal surgery is usually their last option :
Always remember that any surgical procedure is a "trade-off" you can gain, or also lose if you choose this option ! Also bear in mind that many doctors / nurses / health professionals can go through their whole medical career without ever seeing one single case of CMT :
I would fully endorse Shazza65's suggestion that you take a look at the Cmt Uk website : You should find your answers there, and they also have an excellent reference book in their shop which is written in "plain-english" :
Best of luck to you ....
John Coyle.... (Glasgow)
I found this website recently and it has helped me and my family alot to understand symptoms on a day to day basis and stopped me feeling like I was the only one who suffered certain symptoms.