My husband had cmt and he died unexpectedly at age 44. In August went to the doctor said it all looked good he said his breathing. Was off has been all summer his co2was 34little high and she said everything looked good but cheast pain stuff started in 2014. His dad had it and other he as the issue his gramother had it but told him he had one worse cases . They didn't listen to him. And then be 3weeks ago Tuesday he passed away. He wasn't feeling well breathing wise she got sick easy lost a lot of weight in past 6months. Didn't get offered if I wanted it looked in to see what happens he had sugar but that been good he was in lot pain head to toe bad headack. For day before all he wouldn't go tot he docs because he said they just say it a cold so he didn't give in to me going get seen. So I wonding cmt link to any of this or what my 2boys have it that what I'm looking in to it deeper
Husband passed away : My husband had... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
Husband passed away

Hi Skenyon 1986. I am so sorry that your husband has died at such a young age (I know how that feels as my first husband was only 24 when he died). Although I am not a medical person, I have not seen anything to suggest a link between CMT and heart conditions, so don't think it is related.
I'm so sorry about your husband dying in case he has relatives with it I will share this, as CMT can affect the Phrenic nerve and breathing...
Sony to hear of your husband's passing. I'm not sure but I wouldn't put his death on CMT at all. Did he have the vaccine for covid ? Had they ever said his chest pain was due to CMT. I think if they looked into it further there's a family history not related to CMT. I would not stress and worry about your boys unless they have exact same symptoms of their dad I'd be asking the doctor and maybe do family history of other health problems. I'm also not sure of type CMT your husband had I'd research symptoms etc. Through a medical point not by a family point of view. Everyone has different symptoms of this disease and I know with my doctor and others really don't know much about it but what I tell them.

Good morning Skenyon1986, we would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere condolences from all the Staff and Trustees here at CMTUK. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
We can confirm that CMT is not a life limiting condition and we have not heard of CMT being record as cause of death on a Death Certificate.
Someone with CMT can have non-CMT related health conditions as well as living with CMT.