Hi, Male 70 CMT . Has anyone tried medical marijuana to ease nerve pain ? I would like to know how you take it and it’s success rate. Thanks
CMT and Marijuana.: Hi, Male 70 CMT... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
CMT and Marijuana.
There was a recent post on the HU MS forum addressing this in which someone vaped CBD flower with good results for burning pain. I’m not sure I can post the link. Here is what he said: "Been on Gabapentin, Lyrica,.....and many more for the evening burning feet, & restless legs. None worked. I hadn't gotten to bed promptly for years, with any of the drugs. After years, and advice from one of several neurologists, I finally got relief down perfectly. At 7pm the timer on my phone goes off every nite. I take 1 magnesium citrate off the shelf suppliment which seams to do the trick for the restless legs. For the burning feet at nite, at bedtime a few hours later, I vape dry CBD flower. That's it! Works like a charm. No drugs needed except the CBD flower heated minimally, not burned. Been doing this successfully for many years now. But if I don't, it all comes back the night I don't. CBD gummies help when traveling and I cannot vape, but not nearly as well. THC flower, not as good, it's the high CBD that seems to do the trick. Has been since day 1 when medical cannabis became legal here, and I was Euphoric off a high CBD strain. 2 puffs and the evening pain that kept me up most the night for years was gone, like magic. No high from the cannabis. Just the pain finally gone!
Try skipping the drugs. Vaping dry flower, not any liquid who knows what's in it, or how it was made. Magnesium citrate for the RLS, and vaped CBD flower when the pain starts. Vaping is the most efficient means of delivery. Edibles, take time, and not as effective for my type pain."
Thanks for your reply. I applied for my card today, hopefully soon.

I hope you'll post what you learn. It seems there often needs to be a lot of trial and error in trying different types and delivery modes.
I will let you know what happens, I’m really looking for the safest delivery. I doubt I’ll smoke or vape but never say never. 👍
Hi Ulrich..73 female in wheelchair from CMT...disease has caused joints to pull apart over 40 years so right hip..knee..ankle crooked and unstable to walk.I use topical CBD cream..gives pain relief at the time, but can use as often as need. Can help me get to sleep. I rarely sleep all night anyway. Just reapply as need. I also have used gummies ..take two at a time..not alot of success with them though. Topicals worth trying in my opinion..good luck. ..day at a time..patience👍
Hi Enzowildoit, Thank you for your reply. I often hear the gummies are not so effective. I’m glad you’re getting some relief, it’s probably the safest option.
A combinación of thc/cbd drops or vaping helps me with the pain and the gummies help with sleeping. The THC Cream is effective for a short period of time but very expensive, and goes fast so it is not cost effective. I just got approved to start buying the flowers so I'll be trying that next. But definitely, I would give medical marijuana a try. Good luck.
Hi Marialba, Thanks for your reply. I have been reading about it and watching vlogs, some of them by medical professionals. I think I will try the tincture first. Yes, the prices are eye watering. Cheaper stuff is available online but it is advised to stay clear of those because it’s not the genuine product.
I take tincture at night, relaxes everything, straight off to sleep
For me, that's the only way to cope with nerve pain. I've been struggling with it for almost four years by now, and after I started smoking cannabis from weeddelivery.io/product-cat... to ease the pain, it actually worked, and now I do that from time to time just to feel better. But I'm pretty sure it depends on the quality of strains, so make sure you order from a reliable store.