Does anyone get shakes w cmt? - Charcot-Marie-Too...
Does anyone get shakes w cmt?
Hello to Lordie ....
Yes ! I get the "shakes", and trembling when I am trying to stand up and stay still :
This is due to my progressively weaking lower limbs & hands muscles ongoing further deterioration :
I wear a polypropolene, lightweight, but 'RIDGID' "toe to knee" ankle foot orthosis (AFO) inside my shoes, on each leg, which stabilizes my balance, and allows me to walk (with care) for medium distances unaided : Also I wear a hand/fingers/wrist orthotic whilst sleeping overnight to assist me keep my now "clawing" fingers straight :
When I remove my legs splints, I start to tremble, as the brain trys to control my balance, but due to the combination of CMT's extremely slow/weak signal strength, and weak 'motor/command' signals to my "wasted" leg/foot muscles shakes/trembling means that shaking will occur:
My 'clawing' Cmt hands are now also a major problem, I have almost lost all of my "fine-finger-dexterity', which results in me missing a key on my PC's keyboard, also not being unable to 'pick up coins', and even have problems trying to remove a card from a cashpoint machine:
Not to worry, as their is NO cure, except that you alone, and you personally must apply POSITIVE-MANAGEMENT, and do not let Cmt, get the better of you ?