surely it has something to do with the nervous system either that or the way the brain is wired. as this is how it feels to me.
If like karen says, that "cmt" does n... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
If like karen says, that "cmt" does not affect the "central nervous system" why do so many of us have a tremor or shake so much.?
Because these are not functions of the central nervous system - that's just the brain and spinal cord - but CMT is a disease of the peripheral nervous system, which controls your muscles in the arms and legs.. The peripheral nervous sstem is all the nerves that connect to your spinal cord. Hence, when they deteriorate, which is what CMT causes - that causes wasting, weakness and sometimes tremors and shakes!
Does that explain it better?
Dear guner...
Neuroanatomy: the structure of the nervous system. To learn how the nervous system functions, you must learn how the nervous system is put together:
Your body's nervous system is divided into TWO distinctive systems:
2) THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (near to the surface nerves):
Let's break the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system into more parts. The central nervous system is divided into two parts: the brain, and the spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system is divided into two major parts: The somatic nervoIn the peripheral nervous system, neurons can be functionally divided in three ways:
SENSORY: (afferent) - carry information INTO your central nervous system, from sense organs, or motor (efferent) - carry information AWAY from the central nervous system (for your muscle control).
CRANIAL: - connects the brain with the periphery or spinal - connects the spinal cord with the periphery.
SOMATIC: - connects the skin or muscles, with your central nervous system or visceral - connects the internal organs with the central nervous system.
SOMATIC: nervous system consists of peripheral nerve fibers that send SENSORY (feelings/touch/sensation/ information to the central nervous system AND motor nerve fibers that project into your skeletal muscles:
CMT is a disease of the PERIPHERAL nervous system, which controls your muscles in your arms and legs, and especially your "LONG" nerves which connect with your lower limbs, The peripheral nervous system is all the nerves that connect into your spinal cord from your extremities:
Hence, when they, (your nerve's) MYELIN SHEATHING (a wax like sheathing which wraps around your nerves to insulate/contain your nerve/signal) DETERIORATES, (it LEAKS, and a loss of nerve/signal occurs), and which is exactly what this CMT disease causes - and your nerve conduction speeds/velocity, within your damaged Motor, and Sensory nerves are as a result, greatly reduced/slowed down thus, muscle wasting (atrophy), fatigue / weakness, and sometimes tremors and shakes can occur: