Has anyone experienced neurological side effects, like some loss of vision, feeling shaky, chills, and poor coordination while writing, after the second infusion of RITUBIMAX? Please describe as I am paniqued about such unexpected experiences. THANK YOU 🤔

I think you need to contact your doctor or cancer nurse.
I don't have any knowledge of VR but my V+O booklet says tell your doctor or nurse straight away if you have "problems with eyesight".
I am awaiting my 4th infusion of Rituximab. I have experienced shakiness in the form of when I'm eating my spoon or fork goes up and down! I was also trying to write my Christmas cards but had to stop after 5 but not sure if that was because of dislocated shoulder issue 6 weeks ago. But I am experiencing pain in both arms and also gaining weight. You def should talk to your doctor. No problems with eyes.
I'm not on Venetoclax but Rituximab is the mainstay of my treatment (2 years already). I sometimes feel a mild chill and/or mild headache during the infusion, but otherwise no side effects with Rituximab. Usually administered with or preceded by corticosteroids to minimize side effects, that can cause you to feel a bit jittery.
I also experienced some slight vision change when on it, but it could have been just my eyes getting older. Got new glasses and that helped tremendously. Please speak with your doctor and hope all goes well.
I'm on both of these medications and have had no side effects like the ones you are describing. I would contact your specialist as a matter of urgency. Better safe than sorry. Hope things work out for you as this appears to be a good treatment and is working well for me.
Hello unairdefamille
Contact your doctor. Are you being given an examination before each Ritubimax infusion at infusion center? All of your issues should be noted to infusion nurse to clear you before each infusion. I had dizziness, rashes, hiccups, shakiness and elevated temperature during first and second rounds of ritubimax, some of which may have been due to pre-meds. Good news all sides effects considerably reduced to almost non-existent after couple of weeks and non existent for courses 3-6. Blessings.