CLL and other cancers.: Has anyone heard of a... - CLL Support

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CLL and other cancers.

suncity18 profile image
32 Replies

Has anyone heard of a cancer treatment using pure maple syrup and baking soda?

3 parts syrup and 1 part baking soda.

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suncity18 profile image
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32 Replies
AdrianUK profile image

I’m resisting the temptation to mock here and be rude. But I’m sure you are asking because someone has told you that you just have to eat that and you will be absolutely fine. Most of us with cancer have had this approach from friends or family. With me someone said I needed to chew on wheat grass and all would be well!

Think about it for a moment. If you could cure cancer with maple syrup and baking soda do you think there would be millions of people who need to take chemo? If this concoction perhaps pored onto pancakes could do the job oncologists would be out of a job.

Interestingly other people say we must cut out all sugar instead! Essentially, I’m sorry to have to say this, but if it sounds to good to be true it almost certainly is.

I’m not aware of any research that would support this “cure” and you could ask whoever told you about this for evidence. Sometimes you may find a story if someone who it “worked” for but often if you dig a bit more you find the miracle person actually took normal treatment too. Or of course sometimes it could be a spontaneous remission which is supposed to happen with CLL from time to time but I don’t think we’ve had anyone on this forum who’ve reported that as far as I’m aware.

Or of course the cancer just doesn’t develop and that does happen a lot. The good news with CLL is often people don’t need treatment for years and so they may Credit that good fortune with a diet or supplement they’ve taken.

In general moderation in all things helps our general health . But it probably doesn’t make a huge difference for to the actual cancer itself. Sorry to disappoint.

Bogi1 profile image
Bogi1 in reply to AdrianUK

Perhaps you should read about the formation of the FDA. Before FDA doctors were curing cancer with natural remedies. FDA banned such treatment and arrested any doctor that continued to practice it. The syrup thing I don't know.

Justasheet1 profile image
Justasheet1 in reply to Bogi1

Wow, you really believe that?

cllady01 profile image
cllady01Former Volunteer

suncity, tell us about your CLL diagnosis.

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

I have heard of it, and I have heard about patients who died because they trusted it rather than seeing a qualified doctor for treatment.

AussieNeil profile image

Edzard Ernst is an academic physician and researcher specializing in the study of complementary and alternative medicine. He was formerly Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter. Yet in his blog for 2017 World Cancer day, he said that

"This (baking soda) must be the most sickening cancer scam I have seen for a while".

I'm surprised at the number of Internet hits I get on "maple syrup and baking soda cancer cure", but unsurprisingly, none are from reputable, evidence based sites.

The theory is that the sugar in the maple syrup (why does it have to be maple syrup?) somehow drags the alkaline baking soda into cancer cells, killing them, but that theory shows a fundamental misunderstanding of both chemistry and digestion.


Alpha66 profile image
Alpha66 in reply to AussieNeil

The baking soda will be neutralized by the stomach acid environment.

JigFettler profile image

No I have not heard this - but when I Google it I get links to articles about it.

I doubt there is any evidence for it, as AdrianUK implies also.

I am curious to learn your CLL story though!

suncity18 profile image
suncity18 in reply to JigFettler

I was diagnosed with CLL about 7 years ago. So far I haven’t had any chemo or Radiation. My white cells are around 100 and the dr wants to start treatment.

I don’t want chemo and radiation, especially if there is a non invasive treatment.

JigFettler profile image
JigFettlerVolunteer in reply to suncity18

I totally understand. What are your Hb and platelet numbers? Delaying treatment can make problems though.


AdrianUK profile image
AdrianUK in reply to suncity18

Where do you live? It makes a huge difference for which treatments are available. Also have you seen a CLL specialist or only a local non expert? Ask if they run clinical trials as especially at the moment with lots of new exciting medicines coming through all the expert centres are involved in trials. The experts will help you assess whether you need treatment yet and discuss with you options for treatment. Many of us are on trials and that’s a way of getting access to newer drugs.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to suncity18

Thanks for giving some background about your CLL. I'm somewhat concerned that you may not be being provided with accurate advice about needing to start treatment when you say that "My white cells are around 100 and the dr wants to start treatment." That's because a high white cell count (specifically a high B lymphocyte count), is not a trigger for starting treatment by CLL specialists, but I have seen general oncologists incorrectly start treatment on this basis. See:

We have members with far higher lymphocyte counts that are still in watch and wait, but they are otherwise managing their CLL satisfactorily.

This post goes into the reasons for starting CLL treatment:

Hopefully, you will not need treatment for many years yet. Non-chemo treatments are gradually replacing chemo treatments and are becoming increasingly available where chemo treatments are unlikely to work (17p del and TP53 mutated).


Big_Dee profile image
Big_Dee in reply to suncity18

Hello suncity18

No, I can't say I ever heard of maple syrup and baking soda. File that in file 13. The WBC of 100 is normally about when doctors start talking about treatment. You must have not talked about your treatment yet for CLL. Radiation is very rarely used to treat CLL. Depending on where you live, you may not be offered chemo either, but rather a non-chemo pill. The more you learn the better off you will feel. Blessings.

ladyprescott profile image
ladyprescott in reply to suncity18

Are you in the US. You don't have to have chemo or radiation. There are several treatments taken orally, one being Ibrutinib. Totally non-invasive. If your doctor is suggestion either one of the above, find a new doctor who is a specialist in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Jayhn profile image
Jayhn in reply to suncity18

Are you still on wait and watch?

Newdawn profile image

Hi suncity,

Welcome to the site and please don’t think anyone is trying to be critical of you because it sounds as if you’ve heard of this crack-pot idea somewhere and are exploring if it could have some validity.

As others have said, please introduce yourself and tell us what brought you here. Do you have a CLL diagnosis or are you discussing cancer remedies in general?


PlanetaryKim profile image

I have read about this and the theory/history behind it. Even tried it for one day - haha! I also discussed it with my integrative medicine doctor here in Nanaimo, who is very knowledgeable, and is an MD who has kept his credentials in order after leaving conventional practice and moving into integrative and functional medicine. His first words after I described the concept/theory to him were: "I don't see how that could possibly work."

And honestly now that I think about it more (I also have a science background/degree), he's right. It literally cannot logically work. The notion is that since cancer cells uptake sugar (as do all cells), the baking soda will travel along with it and thus "kill" the cancer cells with alkalinity. But of course when you think about this for two seconds... The alkalinity of the baking soda will immediately be neutralized by stomach acid upon ingestion. Furthermore there is no chemical bond created between baking soda and maple syrup just because they are stirred together and heated. So maple syrup does not transport baking soda to cancer cells...

But I understand where you're coming from. I looked at that too!

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to PlanetaryKim

Thanks Kim for covering in detail what I succinctly dismissed by saying "but that theory shows a fundamental misunderstanding of both chemistry and digestion." A sweetened scam is still a scam and illustrates that there sadly are people out there that will willingly mislead those desperate to cure their cancer by unproven, alternative means.

This account apparently identifies how this scam became popularised and confirms our assessment of why it can't possibly work.


Sushibruno profile image


PaulaS profile image

Hi Suncity,

I see that you are a newcomer here, and this is your first post. So, a warm welcome to you! :-)

You say you want to avoid chemo and radiation, and I can understand that. However, the chemo that is given for CLL isn’t as toxic as for other cancers (eg people rarely lose their hair). And as others have said, there are new drugs for CLL nowadays, that do not use chemo at all, though access to the new drugs depends on where you live, and what your genetic markers are.

You also mentioned radiation, but that is NOT used for treating CLL, except in a few rare cases.

As AussieNeil mentioned, the fact that your white cells have reached 100 is NOT by itself a reason to start treatment. There is a much bigger picture to be considered. If your doctor is saying 100 is a reason to start treatment, I suggest you get a second opinion, preferably from a CLL specialist.

If you let us know where you live, people nearer to you might have suggestions for CLL specialists. I suggest you read the following post, about how to get the most out of this forum.

And this post has a lot of suggestions for living well with CLL.

Wishing you all the best,

Paula (in England)

Awksom profile image

I believe these remedies are all part of the "snake oil" pharmacy.

Big_Dee profile image

Hi Scott

The maple syrup sounds good on pancakes, but would skip the soda. :)

JustAGuy profile image

Thanks for your question. Don't be afraid to write more, everyone on this site either has CLL or cares for someone with it. Some of the members are very knowledgeable and have helped many with coping with the disease and understanding it. So welcome!

ttomo profile image

Hello suncity18,

We are so happy you found our wonderful group. Welcome! I have a dear, well-meaning friend who is constantly sending me articles and infomercials on the next amazing cancer cure she has found. I am five months into an amazing clinical trial now for my CLL which is going so well. I am very grateful for modern science. I finally told my friend that I really don’t want to receive any more of these so-called home remedies that she is convinced will cure me. We’ll see if she gets the message.

We hope you have a good CLL expert to guide you through this journey. I know the idea of treatment can be scary, but we are so fortunate to have amazing new treatment options now and there will continue to be more in the coming years.

Be well.


Billhere profile image

I would suggest seeing a CLL specialist to get a better understanding of the wide range of treatment options as well as the side effects. I would avoid any claims of quick cures.

Smakwater profile image

I'm on it, but I could only choke down four because they were full plate size cakes.

I feel different, but mostly in my stomach.

I have to go laugh now. You need your own show.

Sushibruno profile image
Sushibruno in reply to Smakwater


Smakwater profile image


We all get it. Been there done that, and we're all with with you, all the way.

Stay Strong, Stay the coarse, and as you grow in the knowledge of your disease, bear with us who want to cure you with our sense of humor.

As you continue here you will find that we are in a very dynamic place in time for CLL research, and there is an overwhelming amount of credible evidence to provide Hope that is substance based.

Consider starting, Here >

Knowledge can be the best medicine - "Andrew Schorr, Patient Power". >


Smakwater profile image

I liked, because, I remembered my first beer; I mean first diagnosis.

Hope you find some good answers today,


SenateurDupont profile image

I just wanted to share a comic from The Pharmafist (Pharmachien in french). His name is Olivier Bernard and he started producing little comics on the net to vulgarise certain concepts. He writes mostly in french but some of his topics are translated in english. He recently won the John Madoxx prize (Sense about Science) for his work. And he is humoristic. so here is the link. Hope you like. He also has a strip about acid/alkaline food, wich, I think, the natural chemotherapy (maple syrup/baking soda) comes from.

PaulaS profile image
PaulaSVolunteer in reply to SenateurDupont

Great link, SenateurDupont. I enjoyed the comic cartoon story. A wonderful way of communicating serious stuff in an easy to read format.

Thanks for sharing.


PalmettoMiami profile image

If you live in Sun City I presume that is the one only a few miles outside of Tampa Florida. You are fortunate if that is the case as the Moffitt Cancer Center is highly rated and many here can attest to I believe Dr. Pinella. Not sure of spellingl.

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