I just had my cbc done. My wbc was 12,400, my absolute lymph is 5.5 & absolute neutrophils 6.0. My understanding is there should be 3 neutrophils for every 1 lymphocyte. Does anyone know if this means I have CLL. I can't even get in to see my PCP for 3 weeks. Then I'll have to get a referral for an Oncologist. Thx for any replies.
CLL: I just had my cbc done. My wbc was 12,40... - CLL Support

Hi Cindyrella50,
In a healthy person (i.e.without an infection, including infections of which the patient may be unaware), the normal upper lymphocyte limit is 3,000 (or 3.0 for most laboratories outside of the USA). White blood cells normally comprise around 22 to 44% lymphocytes (which includes B and T lymphocytes) and 40 to 70% neutrophils, or around 2 to 3 times the number of lymphocytes.
While your lymphocyte count is slightly raised, do you know if it has been this way for some time? That will need to be established before you see a specialist, which you can do by having a repeat CBC before having your next appointment with your PCP. IF your lymphocyte count is still raised then, I expect your PCP will have you checked out by a blood cancer specialist (haematologist), who will need to do a Flow Cytometry test (another simple blood test - no fasting involved). That test will check if it is your B-lymphocytes rather than your T-lymphocytes that are raised and look for the unique signature for CLL.
Oncologists look after solid tumours. You are better off seeing a haematologist or perhaps a haematologist/oncologist to investigate what is causing your raised white blood cell count (lymphocytosis) if they don't drop back into the normal range. If you do end up with a CLL diagnosis, you are better off seeing a CLL specialist for the best outcome.
Are you aware of any other symptoms that could indicate you have CLL; night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, unexpected weight loss or bruising, significant fatigue or more frequent infections or infections that take longer to overcome? If you have none of these symptoms and you do end up with a diagnosis of CLL, it is highly likely to be in the very early stages with such a low absolute lymphocyte count, given you need to have one above 5 to even qualify!
Let us know how you get on after your PCP appointment and if it does look like you have CLL and are prepared to say roughly where you live, we can most likely recommend some specialist centres that are convenient to you.
Hi I think you are in the USA
In Uk wbc is top normal of 12.4
Lymphs are. 4.0
Neuts are. 7.5
There are three other components that make up the WBC but you don't quote these
It is not always 3 to 1
It can go to 2 to 1 or 4 to 1
Everybody is different
See if you can get A referral for a bone marrow biopsy with cytogenetics
CLL usually develops slowly and if you test positive you could be put on watch and wait
Google James Wang MD and look At some research he has just released
Also Adrian bloor at the christe hospital in the UK and Cardif uni in UK they are using A Drug called. IBRUTINIB and getting very good results
Good luck
The. Stemcellscouser
Your wbc is higher than normal but not that high. When I was diagnosed my WBC was 23,000 and now is somewhere around 31,000. You should see a hematologist/oncologist but you could also have an infection of some kind and not CLL. Most of us CLLers didn't even know we had it until we either found it during a routine physical exam or, in my case, a cold that just wouldn't go away. After taking anti-biotics and my WBC didn't go back to normal, my internist referred me to my oncologist who actually diagnosed me. all the best to you.