My aunt 88 as been diagnosed with leukima, she... - CLL Support

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My aunt 88 as been diagnosed with leukima, she as blood transfusions every other week and platelet. Her platelets are below 10, how long?

3 Replies

Does she have to live, I don't believe she can live another year

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3 Replies

I didn't mean does she have to live, my kindle playing up.

I'm scared I'm going to loose her sudden and its so frightening, as anyone else been through this

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

It sounds like your aunt has lived a long, and I hope healthy, life up until her diagnosis. No one can say how long someone will keep going when they reach the point she has with her leukemia. I doubt that treatment would do anything but mean prolonged suffering. This is a time to treasure every day you have with her. Spend time sharing and making memories while she is up to it.

I dealt with a very close friend, originally my mother's childhood friend, who became like family to me, being diagnosed with leukemia when she was 89. She had been hospitalized for pneumonia. I spent her last two weeks at the hospital with her and I am so glad that we had that time. I knew, when she passed away, that it was her time. She was a very independent woman, and living as a helpless invalid was something that she never wanted. It is still hard, almost two years later, to not be able to just pick up the phone and call her. But I have wonderful memories of the time we spent as friends and feel blessed to have had her in my life. I hope you have many special days left with your aunt, and that they are days that have some quality for her. It's very hard, when we are faced with losing someone important to us, to think rationally about quality vs quantity. It's normal to want time to stand still or go backwards.

Feel free to come here to talk about what is going on and your feelings. There are many here who have dealt with similar situations.


Newdawn profile image

That's a wonderful, sensitive post from Pat and I support totally the sentiments she expresses in relation to your Aunt.

I can understand your distress that she finds herself in this position of needing regular invasive procedures at her advanced age when she should be enjoying her latter years quietly surrounded by loving family. Obciously it's very hard to predict longevity though you're obviously realistic about the situation.

She's lucky to have caring relatives such as yourselves and all you can do is ensure her comfort and offer practical assistance and reassurance. Also make sure her wishes are respected and she's dealt with appropriately and with dignity at all times. She just may surprise you all and continue to live her life happily despite the treatments for some time yet. Important thing is that she does so without pain and with quality family times.

Please let us know how she goes as Pat says. We have all faced the prospect of losing loved ones and send our understanding.


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