After waiting over a month my oncologist finally called to tell me I have the agressive form of this disease....CLL....he is looking for a clinical trial for me to join. I had a strong feeling this wasa the news I as going to get.....i am soon to 77 and hope to make it to 90. My oncolocgist tells me kiddingly I will live forever...not so sure....I have had a feeling lately, even before the test, that things were not going to go my way. Hey, I survied kidney cancer for 11 years, endometral cancer for 10 years..I guess my luck had to run out sooner or later. The good news, if there is any, is that I am stable right now and have been for a few years. ....any good news out there about my situation? Husband is in denial so I am dealing with this....
the oncologist mentioned t-53.....not good and he doesnt like it....oh well...
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