I was dx cll in feb 2013 and still under wait and watch. no bad markers in Flowcytometry( negative for CD38 and Zap70 ) IGVH mutated, WBC/ ALC went up to 176,300/164,000 in March 2017 . In june 2017 my wbc/ALC is 114,300/108000. The other parameers like Hb @ 11.6, RBC 4.28 and platelets 134,000,
Lymph nodes in neck,abdomen enlarged , spleen 152 mm( same as since last 6 months . Is it usual to expect a substantial fall in WBC/ALC with out any treatmnet ? any problem with enlarged lymphnodes at a later stage if untreated now ? Any body in the group has a similar problem.
I am aged 71 years and live in India . There are not many CLL specialists here at my place