I would love to know what your opinion... - Cholesterol Support

Cholesterol Support

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I would love to know what your opinions are re the attached video. I feel confused re all the different dietary advice available.

Withattitude profile image
10 Replies


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Withattitude profile image
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10 Replies
Withattitude profile image

Thank you for replying. Your comments are helpful. I think I was beginning to get there but I did get swayed by his enthusiasm and his donations to charity! You've given me something else to work with.

Withattitude profile image

Yes so do I. Unfortunately when I encounter his enthusiasm and confidence my head goes 'You should listen to this' and my gut is saying 'It doesn't add up'. So thank you for replying and sending links. I shall continue to eat as unprocessed a diet as possible with plenty of veg, nuts, meat and fish - organic whenever possible.

Withattitude profile image

I really didn't find this helpful. I'm not interested in being sold products on this forum - I have fruit and veg for fibre.

betabalance profile image
betabalance in reply to Withattitude

Point taken. Post removed - it was meant to be tongue in cheek (as I found the point the video was 'jokingly' making a little ridiculous).

I am a nutritionist (have a BSc in Nutrition) and am here to contribute, in my areas of expertise - exercise and nutrition - as I am passionate about the health of the nation's hearts - for personal reasons.

I do of course have a commercial interest (born out of my passion), but have tried to limit this to my sign off only. The removed post was the only one that went beyond this - as I said was meant to be tongue in cheek, but appreciate that this won't always come across on the screen.

Apologies. I hope I am still welcome - as I am very happy to give recommendations on nutrition (with or without supplements). As a nutritionist I actually always believe whole food is best - so good on you for your fruit and veg consumption - don't overlook the whole grains though.

Withattitude profile image
Withattitude in reply to betabalance

Thank you. Apology appreciated and accepted.

foxyrobyn profile image

I watched the video and it sems to say - eating meat you are at more risk of the top 15 causes of death( except accidents) than if you dont .

frankcooper profile image

A most interesting video. I think the idea of eating more vegetables, particularly green vegetables has a lot of merit. Most people do not eat enough vegetables. I suppose I would be much more convinced about vegetarianism if Vegans lived a lot longer than the average person, but they dont. However they do appear to enjoy better health whilst they are living, which is certainly important. Thank you for sharing this video with us.

betabalance profile image

This critique is spot on.

betabalance profile image

Are you following a Paleo diet, Concerned? You use some of the key 'words'.

For the record. I try (easier to preach then to practise) to eat high protein, medium fat and medium to low carbohydrate (with plenty of fruit and veg). So I'm sure we agree on a whole bunch of stuff.

When I talk about wholegrains I mean a bowl of porridge, some wholemeal rice, quinoa salad. I try and avoid bread and certainly don't get fooled by supposed wholegrain products that are effectively white flour with a minimum amount of whole grain added for the claim. Breakfast and bread often being the biggest offenders here.

Your post above moves on from whole grains to increased carbohydrate intake - and the accompanying statistics - which is not really apples with apples . I'm sure whatever your opinion on "whole grains" you don't hold them as responsible as the increase in refined and processed carbohydrates that happened in this time. I don't have the figures to hand but I would imagine that wholegrain consumption during this period actually fell.

We do have data to show that a diet with wholegrain is more protective than a diet without. What we don't have is a comparison of a diet with wholegrains against a Paleo diet - and we will never have that as there is simply not enough people eating paleo to study (over their lifetime at that - hence why good evidence based science is so difficult to come by).

So live and let live I say.

My big issue with the Paleo diet is not a nutritional one. It is simply that if we all decided to do it our global CO2 footprint would grow staggeringly and we would run out of animals despairingly quickly! Not good for sustainability!


adamsab profile image

Paleo organic way to go for me.The proof is in the eating. I feel healthier, sleep better, have no sugar/carbs cravings, stress levels have dropped and that was within a week. Prior to this I wasn't what you would call a junk food eater either so cutting carbs and sugar has changed my life. Read the book The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson it just makes sense there is science in there which is spot on. It is not a fad diet and is superb informative read.