Ubiquinol (Coenzyme Q10), Clopidogrel ... - Cholesterol Support

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Ubiquinol (Coenzyme Q10), Clopidogrel and Blood Pressure medication

Ruby-Ruby profile image
10 Replies

Does anyone know if Coenzyme Q10 can safely be taken along with Clopidogrel (anti-platelet) and blood pressure medication? Some sources online seem to be saying it may affect both of these. I know we can ask a doctor but our experience is that they're not interested in Coenzyme Q10 so might not be of much help. If anyone has researched this or asked a doctor I would be interested to know your conclusion.

Many thanks

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10 Replies
Andyman profile image

Personally i dont subscribe to any supplement i cant get from food

sos007 profile image

I had a triple bypass in March of 2015. After the surgery, I was prescribed Clopidogrel and Ramipril (ACE inhibitor to reduce blood pressure) as well as Crestor and Metoprolol (beta blocker). I took CoQ10 concurrently with those medications without a problem. CoQ10 is an enzyme produced by the body to generate energy for cell maintenance and growth. It is depleted with age and when taking statins. I did not experience any side-effects.

I was removed from Clopidogrel one year after my surgery. I stopped all of my heart medications in October 2016 due to my lifestyle transformation (daily exercise, plant-based diet - I lost 40 lbs.). Today I take only vitamins, one baby aspirin 81 mg, and continue to take CoQ10.

Ruby-Ruby profile image
Ruby-Ruby in reply to sos007

Hi sos007, thanks for that information. Did your doctor know at the time that you were taking CoQ10 along with the other meds and if so I presume they said it was safe to do so? The contraindications that I've read are increased risk of bleeding with antiplatelet meds and that CoQ10 can reduce blood pressure so may not be a good idea when on blood pressure meds.


sos007 profile image

Yes, my doctor was aware as he was the one who recommended it. I was given the CoQ10 while still in the hospital following my initial surgery and then a month later with stenting. So yes, doc was fully aware.

Ruby-Ruby profile image
Ruby-Ruby in reply to sos007

Thanks, just realised you live in Canada, we are in the UK and when I asked our cardiologist if it would be OK for my husband to take CoQ10 he just said that it isn't in the NICE guidelines.

sos007 profile image
sos007Ambassador in reply to Ruby-Ruby

This is the problem with socialized medicine in both of our countries - bureaucrats in the medical association decide treatment protocols. This is why it is important to do your own research and draw your own conclusions. I have literally read over 5 dozen medical studies on cardiovascular disease, cause, treatment, prevention, and reversal, over the last 2 years.

My cardiologist is unhappy about my stopping statin medication - as the medical association is still on the low-LDL is the best way to avoid CVD events in the future.

Once again, I have used and still do use CoQ10 and I feel fine. I monitor my blood-work quarterly and all of my levels for many different measures of CVD risk (many of which are not part of mandated protocols, so I pay for them separately) including lipid panel, are either in the optimal or normal range.

Good luck.

UnderShock profile image
UnderShock in reply to sos007

Why were you prescribed CoQ10?

Why was your cardiologis unhapy with you stopping the statin?

I am on Ramipril, Atorvastatin, Aspirin and Presgrul. I wanted to take CoQ10 as I heard it is good to prevent angina and lower blood pressure (NOT SURE IF THIS IS TRUE).

sos007 profile image
sos007Ambassador in reply to UnderShock

CoQ10 is an over-the-counter supplement and not a prescription drug. It is synthesized by the human body naturally but its production naturally diminishes with age. CoQ10 is an enzyme the body needs for proper function of all muscles, most importantly the heart muscle.

Statins are known to cause rhabdomyolysis which is a breakdown of muscle tissue. This muscle breakdown can lead to muscle pain, a weaker heart and therefore more protein in the bloodstream. Excess protein in the bloodstream can cause kidney failure.

Therefore, it is standard procedure in Canada for cardiologists to recommend CoQ10 be taken concurrently with statins like your Atorvastatin.

I stopped taking statins (I was taking Crestor) October 2016 after having achieved optimal cholesterol levels among other blood metrics, as well as having lost all excess body weight.

However, since CoQ10 levels naturally fall with age anyway, I decided on my own to continue taking them.

The Cardiologist was unhappy with me stopping the statin because some research shows that those who keep their LDL levels at 1.7 mmol/l or lower do not experience a recurrence of cardiovascular incidents such as heart attacks, angina or strokes.

Given that I had already had a triple bypass, my cardiologist believes that I have a genetic predisposition to producing excess cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia) and should therefore continue to take a statin for cardiac prophylaxis (protection).

My extensive reading of available material on the internet, including many medical studies have indicated that LDL on its own is not the optimal risk metric as it is currently being used by mainstream medicine.

LDL can be broken down into sub-fractions. Depending on its composition, it can be dangerous or benign.

I did a blood test called the NMR Lipoprofile which provides this detailed breakdown and found my LDL composition is benign. This is because of my now healthy diet and lifestyle. Furthermore, my HDL value currently exceeds my LDL value so in theory, all my bad cholesterol is systematically being removed from my body.

Furthermore, my reading led me to medical research that suggests the ApoB/Apo-A1 ratio is a better risk indicator than the traditional LDL measure. My ratio for this metric (0.48) is well below the risk cut-off of <0.8, therefore I'm not worried about a recurrence of an acute cardiovascular episode.

However, doctors must follow medical guidelines in order to protect themselves from litigation so they continue to recommend statins for people with my history.

Statins are potent drugs with some potentially dangerous side-effects including muscle breakdown, elevation of blood-glucose leading to type 2 diabetes and possibly Alzheimers.

Given the muscle pain I experienced while on statins, I chose to change my diet and lifestyle so that I could stop taking them.

Given my weight loss, I also no longer need blood pressure medication (ramipril) - I stopped taking it in June 2016.

I used to take an anti-coagulant medication called Clopidogrel, which is the equivalent to your Prasugrel. The medical protocol was to take this for just one year after stenting or bypass surgery, along with Aspirin in order to avoid blood clots. Once I was past the one-year point, my cardiologist told me to stop it.

I still take baby aspirin but am trying to figure out a way to stop it safely. I don't take any prescription medications and haven't done so since October 2016.

I have found natural alternatives to helping my body avoid blood clots. I eat green vegetables daily and take Vitamins B6, B9 (Folic acid) and B12. The B9 especially is good for reducing the level of fibrinogen in the blood stream which contributes to the creation of blood clots.

I also take curcumin, and vitamin E which are naturally anti-inflammatory agents and reduce the risk of blood clots. Furthermore, I take 1 teaspoon of Ceylon or True Cinnamon daily with my breakfast tea which is another natural, anti-inflammatory agent.

I routinely measure my fibrinogen and homocysteine levels every quarter with my blood work to monitor the potential for blood clots and my dietary, fitness and vitamin regimen have successfully kept these levels in their optimal ranges.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Good luck.

happydodderer profile image

I can't give you a definitive answer on this one, only my own experience. I was taking Q10 for a long time before I was prescribed clopidogrel over 2 years ago. I have taken them together ever since with no problems.

misterxray profile image

0 interactions, refer to website


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