So I bought the book The Great Cholesterol Con. Had a little read through. Can't say I agreed with alot of what he said. He mentioned FH. I couldn't understand what he was saying about it, but he did say something about 5 year olds dying from chd. Well this alarmed me. My uncle at 51 had a heart attack. Slim, healthy.... and was told it was due to a problem with his liver and cholesterol and to get his family all tested. I've spoken to my auntie and asked was it fh he was diagnosed with, it was 11 years ago so she's not sure now but it was something to do with his liver?
So my aunties, my mum and cousins all got their cholesterol tested and all had high cholesterol and ended up on statins. My cousin was about 14 at the time when she was given statins. I'm 36, slim and my cholesterol wad 6.9 in December. It was a non fasting sample, I'd just eaten. My LDL was 3.9, hdl 1.6 and triglycerides 3. My gp wasn't concerned at my age and said my risk was less than 1%.
Now I'm worried if I have FH and if I do can my children die without me knowing? My friend lost her daughter to chd last week, she was 12 and it's made me so upset. I guess I'm now worried about my cholesterol and my chikdrens risk.
I spoke to my gp about my uncle and he just said he will test me annually. Didn't seem concerned.
I'm really concerned can anyone advise?
Thank you.