Rapeseed oil better for heart than statins ? Hope so going by a study in Toronto Canada.
statins V rapeseed oil : Rapeseed oil... - Cholesterol Support
statins V rapeseed oil

Good idea to research around the subject, especially check who is funding research etc.
Rapeseed may contain too much polyunsaturated fat to be healthy in the long term.
Rape is a member of the brassica family, such as cabbage and cauliflowers. It is a healthy plant but it is the method of extraction and manufacturing processes that have me concerned. We have a local farmer here in Bedfordshire who makes his own rapeseed oil. He calls it "cold pressing" and although a bit more expensive than the supermarket brands is much more natural. Rapeseed oil is a very healthy oil as is olive oil - but like everything else is only healthy as long as it is part of a balanced diet!
Yes - they use petrochemicals to extract the oil which is at that point rancid - then they de-odourise it ready for eating which is all wrong to me... can you tell me where you buy your farmer's oil from - I'd like to go there myself... sparky333@ymail.com thanks for that
care.diabetesjournals.org/c... is the source publication (Bad Express! Why not link to it?) but I don't understand why they modified the diets of both groups. The control group was given a whole-grain diet with a whole-wheat bread supplement, so this only tells us something about rapeseed compared to whole-wheat... they also make a claim that the control group "improved" but compared to what? Comparing with start-of-trial or pre-trial readings is unsafe because it's only a 3-month trial and maybe different foods were consumed as the seasons changed and that changed the readings. I'd need to do some serious numbercrunching of the dataset and it's just not published in enough detail for me to do that. Chasing down the authors and the data is a lot of work and this isn't my job. Maybe some nice charity would like to get the data and peer review it? How about it, HEART-UK?
Oh and yes, as I think Penel suspected: "This work was supported by the Canola Council of Canada, ... DJAJ ... has received various funding from ... Canola Council of Canada. CWCK has received support from ... Canola Council of Canada" - not necessarily enough to dismiss it completely, but yes, be wary.