Hi All. I'm new to this community, so hope I'm posting this in the right place!
I am at a complete loss - just over 12 months ago, my little boy (then aged 11 months) got a sickness bug. The sickness bug seemed to go on forever, but after a week we decided it wasn't a bug anymore as he was fine in the days, but was just sick once at night time. This carried on for 3 weeks. Around this same time, he developed quite bad eczema. Over the next few months, his eczema became considerably worse over him arms and legs, then started to spread over his face. One morning he woke up and could hardly open his eyes - our GP then told us it was an allergic reaction and gave us antihistamine. In turn this made him worse.
Through process of elimination we worked out he was allergic to the following: grapes, raisins, strawberries and raspberries (and anything which included any of these ingredients - ie calpol (which we had given him a lot of), strawberry flavoured anti-histamine (we wondered why it wasn't clearing his face up!)). We also think he was allergic to mustard as we gave him a number of things with this ingredient in, and within a couple of minutes his face would flare up, and a couple of times he vomited in his dinner (much to our annoyance at the dinner table!!!). And on a number of occasions, he would be sick every night - one of these periods lasted for 3 weeks.
After months of waiting (and a number of these months he was clean - we had worked out what he was allergic to, through process of elimination, and obviously, didn't give him these foods any more) we finally got to see an Immunologist who had no interest whatsoever in our little boys history, and had already pre-decided that he was allergic to additives (even though I told her we gave him a strawberry - no additives - and he flared up within seconds), but agreed to send us for blood tests for the fruit, mustard, and milk. Very surprisingly to us - these tests showed up no allergies at all!!??!!
So in my bid to prove her wrong - I gave our little by a strawberry, and sat ready next to him with my camera for photographic evidence - and - nothing - no reaction whatsoever!
So we have now had 2 months of no problems at all... until last week.
The vomiting has started all over again. Not in the daytime, just at night, usually shortly after we have put him to bed. Yesterday his eczema has come back on his elbow. And this evening, his face has turned red again, just by the side of his mouth (this calmed down quickly without the need for his antihistamine).
I feel like I can't be bothered to take him back to my GP who has no interest at all in him as he is usually happy and running round the waiting room while we are there, and I certainly am not wanting to go back to the Immunologist for our next appointment in June for her to lecture on me on the importance of giving my child healthy food (she's preaching to the wrong crowd - I grow all our veg - I don't feed my kids sweets and chocolates - and I NEVER buy ready meals).
Any ideas on where to start???
He was definitely allergic to strawberries (and photo below is a post-strawberry photo - his head to toe rash has cooled down, just leaving the redness on his face). How can he suddenly not be allergic to strawberries?
What on earth is setting of his reaction on his face now? I've given him the same dinner tonight that I have given him about once a week over the last 4 months (because he is such a fussy eater, he gets a lot of repetitive dinners!)