Hi all, I have had rosacea for over a year.. I have tried many creams,but still the spots come. I am now on soolantra after 2 weeks ,it seemed better,but now I am in my third week and have a lot of pustule spots. I do not want to face the world at the moment feeling very down, Does anyone know if this is normal and I just carry on with the cream. Was told to use it for 12 weeks. Would be grateful for any help.
Rosacea pustules breakout.: Hi all, I have... - Changing Faces
Rosacea pustules breakout.

Hi Sudoko,
Sorry to read that you're feeling down, this is the impact that Rosacea can have on many of us ... and why it should be taken seriously by health professionals! My own experience being that it was treated more as a cosmetic issue and progressed further (details in my bio')
So, it could be that Soolantra is drawing out the pustules .... as in might get a bit worse before getting better. Or, there may be another trigger irritating your rosacea. I found tracking down my own triggers very helpful (caffeine, white wine, sun and STRESS)
Soolantra is the currently recognised treatment for pustule type rosacea. By the way, I don't have any medical qualifications, but have spent a lot of time with dermatologists over the years. So, can only explain my own situation, my skin has now been successfully under control for quite a while. I've also had a low dose course of isotretinoin (sp?) which was helpful too.
I have changed all of my facial products over the last couple of years to no fragrance, no colour etc. Those recommended by dermatologists in large Boots stores or similar. Cetaphil works very well for me. I also use Azelaic Serum. After many years of spending a lot more money on premium products that didn't help at all. My skin type is oily T-zone, so I use oil free products too. I have a dedicated morning/evening cleaning, toning, moisturising routine. In hot weather I also cool my skin with ice-globes.
Good luck to you, hope any of the above is helpful. Take care for now, keep chatting.
M ☺️
Thankyou so much for your advice. I do use cetaphil red prone skin cleanser and simple moisturiser. I had been using azaelic acid which for quite a while was good.. Not too sure about the triggers, sun and stress I think.I am hoping this is a blip with the spots and the cream will work I am only using it for 12 weeks as the dermatologist advised, but now I am wondering what will happen after,heyho just have to wait and see.It does help to speak to others as I never see anyone out with problem skin,I do lack confidence and find it hard to face people when I have so many spots. But when my skin was clear I feel a different person. I really appreciate you replying to me.
Thank you for all your helpful posts regarding rosacea. I think of you as the expert on this site!
Such kind words, thank you. ☺️ I honestly don't regard myself as an expert at all ... I'm just happy to share my longstanding experiences with other rosacea people in the hope that some of my story may helpful to them.
I spent many years on the dark side with Rosacea navigating so many emotional lows from it. It's been a journey of non and mis diagnosis, leading to rare complications. This drove me to research deeply in the hope of finding professional answers and useful self help strategies.
At the moment, and for a number of years, I'm so grateful to feel I have it all more under control. Knowledge has given me strength and helped to calm the emotional pain.
For me, it cannot be emphasised enough how complicated the various forms of Rosacea are and the psychological upheaval it can cause. It's definitely more than a cosmetic issue!
Take care for now.
M x
Hello, lovely lady! Thank you for your post, and I'm glad the wonderful MaveB replied. Just to let you know, I quite often see people (particularly women) with bad skin when I'm out. Some with rosacea (to be fair, they usually don't have makeup on), and some with terrible spots, pockmarks and other blemishes. I can spot problem skin even if they are madeup.I must admit my rosacea is so bad that I can't (or won't) go out without makeup, and even then the problem is visible.
Let's keep supporting each other, share tips, and try to remember the beautiful people we are on the inside!!!xxx
Thankyou for sharing, I do agree it's not just the cosmetic side,I particularly do not want to do social things as in meals out,as any heat change more so in winter sets the redness offand spots look more red. Then I get self conscious and want to leave. The result is I avoid going out to certain places now which affects all parts of my life. I liked ,and it made me smile ,to say remember the beautiful people we are inside. It really helps to here other people's view on things to give you some hope. Thanks guys so much x