At hospital today and was basically told I'm stuck like this forever this is the whole reason why I went to the dermatologist in the first place, so distraught I hate looking like this, I can't do anything spontaneous and the thought of anyone seeing my face gives me a panic attack, if I'm just at home and not wearing any I won't look in the mirror the only time I do is when I'm covering it up, just wish i didn't have to spend so much time and money on my face, like I literally won't even answer the door or go to the bin without it being covered
Rosacea : At hospital today and was basically... - Changing Faces

Hello Emsky 🤗 It sounds very upsetting to have your life limited by your condition. Did the hospital visit cause you to feel more anxious than usual? Kudos to you for having the courage to seek treatment! That's a huge step. Can you get a second or third opinion?
I don't really know where I can get another opinion as I asked to be referred to dermatologist and this is the one I've been assigned, I don't really think I could ask about changing since its NHS? Also I know there isn't a lot they can do but just last time I went I was so hopeful with all the things he said, then said my acne doesn't look bad... No I never went there about acne I went about rosacea would rather have a few spots than a red face 😭
Hi Emsky,
It can feel really crushing to feel hopeful and then not get the outcome you wanted.
If you did want a second opinion but weren't sure where to start, then it might be worth speaking to PALS, which is the NHS's patient advice and liaison service. They should be able to talk through options with you - you can find out more here
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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Hi Emsky, try again with this
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Best wishes,
Wow, I hear you, I’m going through the same thing. I won’t answer the door or even take out the garbage either! I’ve also covered most of my mirrors. I say most because I have two daughters who need a few mirrors.
Although my facial difference isn’t rosacea it is permanent and I’ve had it all my life. And unless I won the lottery I cant get any surgical help to even improve it a little.
I wish I could offer you some brilliant suggestion that would help but unfortunately all I can say is I’m with you and hang in there.

Thanks! Yeah I've been told there's no cure but joined a support group on Facebook as I thought I had tried everything but with all the suggestions on there which have helped people I still have so much to try so hoping I find something, I hope you find something too!
Have you tried looking at skin camouflage? I’ve heard good reports about how it covers Rosacea and gives people more confidence
Hey, I have been there and I’m so sorry to hear you did not get good news at the doctor. For a year I barely left my house without make up and sunglasses. I still wear make up always. If you ever need to talk to someone please reach out, it helps to have someone to talk to that knows what it’s like.
How is your rosacea now ?

Still the same, started using azeliac acid so now my skin feels tight, my nose and cheeks are always scarlet or pink at rhe very least
It totally sucks doesn't it .... I just can't imagine having this for life it is so depressing

I had it as a baby then it cleared for a bit then came back when I was 10/11 and its never been gone since, I always thought it was my acne causing my inflamed skin, but most of my acne is gone and still left with redness to which I found out is rosacea 😭
Hi. I feel you. Rosacea sucks and it impacts your life so much. If its any consolation I'm in the same boat. Mine has got so bad recently and it seems to be on my right cheek a lot more than my left, so now I have to walk around with one pink patch on my face on one side, and just to pour salt in the wound I also have the lovely pimples that come with it. Ive basically turned into a recluse. How is yours doing now, is the azaleic acid working. Where are you from BTW. I'm from England so luckily don't have to worry to much about sun!!
Well I'm in Scotland so I can worry even less about the sun, but I've been on holiday and it's just looked the same, the azeliac acid has helped get rid of most of my bumps, but still a walking beetroot, not been outside without my face covered for nearly 10 years now I hate how it looks so much 😭 the azeliac acid has also given me really dry skin for the first time in my life, I had rosacea as a baby as well then it went away for a years and came back when I was about 10/11 and never went away since always thought when my acne went away the red skin would and it never did
Ha that's true!! I can totally relate, it destroys your self esteem completely. I couldn't use azaleic acid as it burnt my skin. My derm has me on soolantra so we'll wait and see. Are you under a specialist? Dry skin is the worst. I also have this and finding products for it is so hard work. Oh gosh I didn't know you could get it so young. Joining this forum helps as I've realised despite feeling alone I'm not and it's nice to talk to other rosacea suffers 😀
Yeh I feel like that as well. Ah fab, what moisturiser do you use. What does your rosacea present like ie, are you red all over or evenly on both cheeks. Mines a bit on my forehead, a bit on my right cheek and a huge patch on the left, plus lots of red bumps. Honestly I'm so fed up of it 😭 but it's nice to know I'm not alone. I found a instagram account called rosaceanofilter which I find quite good, shows other suffers of this horrible skin condition.
I'm not on Instagram, I used epimax moisturiser, mines is red nose, cheeks, chin and upper lip, the azeliac acid has reduced most of my bumps, sometimes my cheeks look OK but 95% of the time my nose is red honestly hate it so much, just wish I felt confident enough to not have to cover my face all the time, save some money too!
No me either but I joined just to look at other people's accounts! Ah my derm gave me epimax, sounds like it works good. Rosacea is just rubbish. I don't have any confidence at all, have barely left the house since Sept as I'm so embarrassed. I told my brother at the weekend which was a huge relief now that he knows what's going on with my face. I hate it to, it robs you of happiness. I know if I didn't have this I'd be living a happy life 😭