Does anyone with a cavernoma take anticoagulants for another medical condition?
Does anyone with a cavernoma take anticoagulants for another medical condition?
Hi Trish. I have a pontine (brain stem) cavernoma and was told, under no circumstances whatsoever, should I take blood thinners and that maybe I should carry something with me to indicate this if I was involved in an accident.
Thanks SIharris, My neurosurgeon , the second one, said I could take them if they were 'well dosed', which seems quite hard to do I imagine. It's quite worrying not to be able to take them because as we get older we tend to need more medical interventions. My father in law has needed a couple of operations lately where he has needed to take an anticoagulant and there must be loads of people with cavernomas who don't know they have them who take anti coagulants at the same time. As you say, it might be a good idea to carry something with you indicating your contraindication to them.
Thanks again, Trish