Do you have blood relatives affected ... - Cavernoma Allianc...
Do you have blood relatives affected by a brain Cavernoma?
11 Replies

ianstuPartnerCavernoma Alliance UK
No. Relative has brain cav's, but not affect as far as we can tell. The spine ones are the sympomatic.
Hard to say. Father, sisters and brother have suffered from seizures but never had scans to show cause.
Yes I have them but have only ever had one fit from them, my daughter has had one which caused a blood clot at 2,5 years and has caused more problems over the years as it keeps bleeding. This has now been removed and caused a stroke she woke up paralised down her left side and is still trying to recover.
Yes, my father and my sister. My son has had the genetic testing, but MRI is clear at this time.
yes four children