Monday Round-up: Good morning, and a happy... - Care Community

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Monday Round-up

21 Replies

Good morning, and a happy Monday to all!

My customary greeting to everyone who joined us this week and for your contributions to the community too. I hope you'll find the group helpful and please feel free to contribute your own expertise as well as ask for help when needed.

I guess that for some of us, today is a long-awaited day with a slight relaxing of covid19 rules in England. It won't make a huge difference for me as we don't have family or friends nearby, but at least we can now take the odd guilt-free walk along the foreshore, or in a green space without fear of breaking any laws. If you are managing to meet up and get out a little more, please enjoy but continue to take care and stay safe.

How was the weekend? Mine got a little curtailed with our lift going out of action. I'd planned to do some grocery shopping but the thought of having to lug it up 4 flights of stairs was too much to contemplate, so we put it off until today.

I'd always planned to devote yesterday to a little bit of scrap-booking and had quite an interesting day, just for fun. And, again just for fun, I've posted the scrapbook page I completed yesterday.

On the face of it, it's just sticking bits into a book, but I actually make quite a production of it, searching online or in bits of old book etc., for things that I like which will fit in with my theme, yesterday's being Peter Rabbit of Beatrix Potter fame. I think my husband thinks I'm beyond help as I gather all the elements round about me and get into a fury of cutting out, sticking, colouring, adding embellishments. And by the time I've finished, the clearing up is horrible. But it really passes a day quickly.

Please let us know what you all did to pass your time. And have a great week!

21 Replies
Snowdrops_17 profile image

Took it easy yesterday, as very windy here and still is this morning! Saturday afternoon I called my sister in Germany for a few hours! Was good to talk and encourage one another! Scrapbook page looks great 👍😁

Glad it was you who had to tidy up afterwards! I wonder who cooked dinner then? 😂

in reply to Snowdrops_17

Oh dear Snowdrops_17, I made my husband have leftovers for dinner! 😊. Glad to hear you caught up with your sister and that you were able to encourage each other. That can really help!

Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to

Well couldn't be bothered making tea last night, felt full somehow! But had a good breakfast this morning, now going to get 2 Birthday Cards or may be 3 ! Never stops in a big family 🤗

sassy59 profile image

Good morning Callendersgal,

I love your scrap books and think that’s a great way to pass the time. I do hope the lift has been repaired though so you can get out today.

We had a quiet weekend but were regaled with some lovely photos of our daughter and son in laws decorating of kitchen and lounge. FaceTime is something I would be lost without.

We’re not rushing out anywhere just yet and when we do it will be with care and some trepidation.

Looking forward to hearing from others on this great forum and wishing everyone a great week.

Take care all xxx🌺🌻🌹🌈👍😘

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, thankfully the lift's back in operation, so off to get that shopping soon! I bet your daughter and son-in-law are in the thick of their decorating but it must be great to have a new home to focus on, and in turn you've had the pleasure of seeing how they are doing.Isn't it marvellous how we've adapted to doing things new ways. I've just had to get a pass photo taken for a new passport, and the photographer, unable to use his studio was out on the concourse passing by, taking our photos up against a section of white wall. I felt a bit like a law-breaker, getting a mugshot done, but hey, it did the job and is keeping him employed! Have a great week! 😊🤣🌸🌈🔆xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Good news Callendersgal, hope the shopping goes well. It’s great how we can be part of something without actually being there. I like it. Even better when our youngest grandson takes his mums phone and we end up in his room which I then have to enthuse over each time. Very funny. FaceTime is a godsend.

That photographer is very clever and thinking on his feet. Good idea.

Enjoy a great week. Xxx🌺👍💜❤️😘💕🌻

in reply to

It's a nuisance isn't it when the lifts broken and you have lots to carry!

in reply to

It is Catgirl1976 and the worst of all is the moment you huff and puff your way to the lift door with all your bags and find out it's broken while you were out! 🤣

FredaE profile image

Lovely can we see more pages please

in reply to FredaE

Thank you FredaE and I'll be sure to share some more with you! 👍

Sara_2611 profile image

Generally taking it easy - -playing childhood activites -like Marbles & skittles -my hallway is quite long & makes for a perfect bowling alleyThis morning(Monday) ive managed to get my riding back on track so restart it again on Friday so we ll see how long that lasts before they find another reason to cancel it

in reply to Sara_2611

Sounds good Sara_2611, I really hope you can resume your riding as I know how much it means to you. Meantime thank goodness for a good place to play skittles and marbles!

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

Yes I hope my riding continues for a long period of time without any reasons for them cancelling it so time will tell

in reply to Sara_2611

One lesson I have learned from this pandemic is never to think I am getting anything so when the blow comes it's not some unexpected shock.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

cheers for sharing ,if the weather is going to be decent then i need to go fo a very short walk to try to aclimatise my lungs to being outside ready to restart my riding on friday

Busy here this morning and got on with some future learn courses and Scottish gaelic which I enjoyed and an early walk out.

Hi Sue , thanks for sharing that with us . I have had a quiet weekend just got sky sorted today and waiting for broadband being sorted tomorrow . You are supposed to have it warm where you live as my big sister phoned me to say it could be in the the early twenties up here might get a sixteen if lucky . Hope you have a nice week . Clive X 🤗

in reply to

Hi Clive, after some sea mist lifted it’s turned into the most glorious day her on the south coast. Hope you aren’t too far behind us. Glad to hear you are getting things back on track now and I hope you have a great week too.💕👍

Hopefully we might get a bit tomorrow Sue , it is a beautiful evening now so fingers crossed for tomorrow . Clive X 🤗

Goldenanny profile image

Peter Rabbit is my all time favourite! I love the effort you have put into your lovely scrapbook Callendersgal. 😃

We went for a a seaside walk yest but it was very very windy but nice to feel the sun on our faces. 🔆🔆 However, there were far too many people walking on the promenade so we changed our route to the quiet side as didn’t feel comfortable! It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves but it is still in the back of your mind that we have to stay safe and be extra careful. xxx

janey61 profile image

Love this picture... Great ideas

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