I was taking my daily fish oil capsule this morning when my husband mentioned that his cousin actually used to chew hers when they were given them daily as children.
That suddenly brought back memories of National Dried Milk and Welfare orange juice and cod liver oil.
Can any older carers, or indeed those being cared for, remember these? Started to help children in the days of World War 2 rationing, they continued for quite a while after the war ended. Feeding babies who weren't breast-fed on 'National Dried' was practically de rigueur as there wasn't anything else around then that was especially formulated for babies. The orange and cod liver oil was available in bottles and given by the teaspoonful. It was absolutely free and given out by Health Visitors at the, then common, baby clinics held in all communities. The orange was tasty and quite welcome, but how we all dreaded the cod liver oil. Most mums I knew of, including my own, seemed to give the cod liver oil followed very swiftly by the orange juice, as a sort of reward for being brave and to help take away the absolutely revolting fishy taste.