Frustration of t: Seems few could recover and... - Tinnitus UK

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Frustration of t

Toughmathew profile image
56 Replies

Seems few could recover and lose t in life coz most even cant find cause

Omg you guys please show your views

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Toughmathew profile image
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56 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

as far as I’m concerned it’s pointless to look for the cause. Just looking means you are concentrating on the T and that’s what the T loves. You need to get your brain to think about things that are NOT tinnitus.

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Happyrosie

So u re prepared to have it for good

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Happyrosie

Goodnorning.. be Wonderful to log & have input into Coping mechanisms though.

Appreciate your Sway Trying not to Focus on it….

Regards Daniel

doglover1973 profile image

Looking for a cause isn't the way to go - as Happyrosie says. Even if you were to find one it's unlikely there would be a solution . The best thing to do is explore ways to live with your T . There's no quick fix. Habituation is a slow process.

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to doglover1973

Thx man

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to doglover1973

But you Can ascertain wether it’s from loss of hearing.


Exposure to loud sounds


PS. Have you had Sound therapy.?

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to Cool-human

Hi CH. My T is a result of hearing loss - serious in one ear ; mild in the other . Sound therapy is of no use in my deaf ear but I do use it in my good one. My T spikes with stress and settles with calm - just like everyone else. How are you feeling at the moment? I know you've had some tough times.

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to doglover1973

Just anxiety nth else with ears problem

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to doglover1973

The Acupuncture isn’t working anymore & with Winter & all the moving parts , Outside our remit, Stress & the inability to see a light at the end of the Tunnel feeds into my anxiety..!

Hence being fatigued ( not much sleep ( Can’t workout the same)

But I’m plodding on and will not Give in.

The ENT specialist has it.. but he didn’t elaborate Root Cause to me. Said it can go in 18 months with my kind of Tinnitus.

Thanks for your Comment..✌️👍

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Cool-human

Yeah no help for needle treatment is it really going away in 18 months

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Toughmathew

Everyone is different…… Who really knows.” He said. WITH SOME SUFFERING WITH TINNITUS… it can happen…..

Excercise….. try & push yourself.


Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Toughmathew

It Can go away in 18 months. Depends on your trauma.”

Avoid Alcohol & stress… exercise.

Sometimes easier said than done.

Hope you get better…”

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to Cool-human

Sorry CH. Stress is a factor for me too . It's not always easy to relax. I try and take one day at a time. Enjoy the good days; ride out the bad days. I hope there are better days around the corner for you. Your ENT doctor may be right.

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to doglover1973

And you._ Thx

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Cool-human

All certain just anixety. Sound therapy in clinic no

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Toughmathew

Then you have to keep on pushing, Politely….

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Cool-human

Yes pal , i will use please more, sorry for bad eng

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to doglover1973

Seems u re on this web often too to care other i appreciate it

Graham-E profile image

I actually know exactly my T cause but it has never ever helped me for one minute.

I cannot go back in time to stop that virus so there is no point me concerning myself about it.

The most important thing is to carry on and live, sometimes day by day or hour by hour for the rough days and just try to hang in there.

As far as I see it this is the ‘only’ life that I know I will have so as messed up as it is, I need to hold onto it. What else can anyone do?

Try to remove as much stress as possible and live your best life. Rest and try to be calm. For example I was cut up on the road today by a very silly car driver. I could have flash and sounded the horn for 10 minutes waving my arms about but it would do nothing more than take my concentration off the road, possibly hurt someone in the process, and become incredibly stressed.

I did no, I thought what an idiot and backed off to allow room for the next thing he did. It’s better to send the dashcam footage to the police that shout at him through my windscreen. The overall impact was nothing on my T scale. In fact I felt pleased I had control over my actions and my T.

Take care G

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Graham-E

Thanks foe your sharing

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

So your Cause was a Virus..

Have you tried Sound therapy yet.?

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

I’ve tried most things, do you have something specific in mind you can point me to?

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

If you look on my feed… it goes through the protocols….

Have you got hearing loss.?

Or is your Cochlea got any wear and tear.?

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

I do have some mild hearing loss.

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

Has your Ent specialist given you a diagnostic ( Small hearing device you wear for 6 hours a day to give you respite.? Then it’s continued till you replicate & mask the Hissing/Woosh…….

On the 29/11…22. I go for this Treatment…

I will post my Findings in my feed.

What helps me .

Lowering Bp.

And accepting there’s no silver bullet.

No MONEY. For Big pharma….

Acupuncture helps, but financially not sustainable…

I also use A Hypnotic guided meditation to facilitate sleep…

Have a good day as possible. Keep it moving.✌️

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

Hi my ENT have given me combination hearing aides that play the ocean.

I have a sound machine and speaker pillow at night.

I basically have something in my head 24 by 7.

Really I have no let up from the horrific noise from the moment I am awake. The HA bring it down maybe 10% on a good day.

The depression that follows this is ‘just a gift from the gods’ but that is me being cynical!

Best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

WOW… I feel for you….

Even when I go loo in the night.. it kicks in…

It seems also there’s a connection with WIFI..

& Vaccines…

Im going to see a Certified HYPNOTHERAPIST…..

Take Care..

I know it’s Totally ruined my life & aspirations, especially Starting over at My age.

Im going to see if there’s any trials.

I advocate management & hope, but deep down…. Well you know the feeling…


Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

I’ve not seen the science on a connection between T, Wi-Fi and vaccines. Personally I had my flu and Covid jab at the same time a few weeks ago and I never had a blip from them.

I find it worrying that you might think there is a link. Do you take vaccines then? As Wi-Fi is everywhere how do you avoid it may I ask?

Best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

I used to be great on the web…

Even accused of hacking….I’ve found data on EMF, and Vaccines.

I think mine is emotional trauma, like PTSD..

I speak 2 many in short bursts,

Same thing comes up.?

Have you had the vaccine ( COVID) or had COVID. The Paramedic who I used to live next door too, SAID, she has now got it & lots of people seem to now have it more “

Post COVID.! Maybe the lockdown…. I don’t really like going down the Rabbit hole.

Try- stay cool..

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

PS. I try not use WiFi.& to be honest, I’ve turned into a hermit. Im y dads carer.& it’s worse when I’m around there.

Feel like going to the Arctic….

Until you have Tinnitus, you have no Comprehension.

It’s like been on amphetamines. With no elevation….

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

Maybe when you go to your dads it’s not the WiFi but something else? Ventilation in the building, A/C or another cause you haven’t considered.

On the vaccinations I’ve had all the Covid jabs 4 or 5 and I’ve had Covid and my T had remained as always, constantly the same. At home and work WiFi is everywhere and never noticed anything.

Not sure if that’s meaningful or not to you. Best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

Agreed…. It might be the emotional , Cognitive stressors..

Have you heard of HAVANNA SYNDROME.????,

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

No I’ve not heard of ‘HAVANNA SYNDROME’ but I’ve just read about it.

Do you think you have that?

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

No. I think anything is possible…

Regards covid.-

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

I’m not really the ‘anything is possible’ sort of person because, in my opinion, it’s a really good way to become convinced with poor and insufficient evidence by any old claim.

I do understand that these ideas are compelling but this is from Newsweek. For me I would prefer a peer reviewed scientific publication.

It’s very quick to go down any rabbit hole and to what ends does it become important?

Unless we want to point a finger and blame or demands compensation somehow. Honestly, there might be a link but politician and news stories can pretty much say anything they like.

I’ll wait for the scientific, published, peer reviewed report.

Best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

I know where your going with this.! Matrix/rabbit hole….

I believe my Tinnitus is emotional trauma..

PS peer reviewed.? Every study is funded.!!! Even my GP, says don’t pay attention to the LANCET. & The LIKES……

Empirical data has now become subjective. But that’s just in my Humble opinion….

You do know the Chinese suppressed the Norwegian study on COVID.?

Causal effect will be what suits your mindset…

Hey maybe we ask Èlon. Eh. 😂.

Rest well…

Daniel ✌️

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

Hi Daniel, my GP said ‘what’s tinnitus’ when I very first went to see him! So what does that say?

I’m not convinced by these ‘experts’ saying a thing and the recent down play of published papers. If your GP says not to pay attention to the ‘LANCET’ how did they back up that claim I wonder?

best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

everything is subjective….

Unless you’re a billionaire…..😁

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Graham-E

I get it man

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Cool-human

Riddle me this.? Why do you think the TRUTHER movement and Hacktivism actually transpired to begin with…?

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Cool-human

Then you will never receive the truth with Peer -reviewed _

We live in a Hybrid world. On every level….

Thank you for your sway on things.

Take. It easy…..✌️

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

I was A HACKTAVIST…… There also research on The IMSI CATCHERS. That are used to scrape data, you notice sometimes on the Bandwidth lag.

I tried to buy one from Israeli sources. 😂…. You need a government license.

Or Deep pockets..

Just like if you want to Aquire Pegasus software..😁

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

If you look. It’s there. Remember The providers of 3/4/5 G. Fund papers saying No problem

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Cool-human

I’ve had a read and this part stood out to me:

“Despite a huge amount of studies investigating the health impact of EMF, no clear relationship between EMF-exposure and these unspecific health symptoms could be established and the majority of provocation studies failed to demonstrate such a relationship.”

Best G

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

read this.-

Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E


Cool-human profile image
Cool-human in reply to Graham-E

PS.. the New software is different I have been told by him than = White Noise/Sound of Rain etc.

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Graham-E

Just need to accept it

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to Toughmathew


Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Toughmathew

accept my T?

Graham-E profile image
Graham-E in reply to Toughmathew

Do you mean accepting T? Or your WiFi/Covid/vaccine idea?

Also are you saying you need to accept it or I that I need to accept it?

Thanks G

TinnitusUKPat profile image

I don't know if it will help you to watch this webinar from the BTA, Mathew, but it talks about some of the things that our knowledgeable community have suggested above:

Our former president, Mr Tony Kay, talks about why worrying about tinnitus' cause may delay the relief which many people are looking for. If we can spend less time in our day being actively worried about tinnitus, how much more energy and enjoyment might we get back in our lives?

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to TinnitusUKPat

I will watch thz

PABLR profile image

It doesn't matter if you do find the cause; it won't make any difference to how you proceed going forward as there is no known cure and nothing that works for everyone to improve the symptoms. Through trial and error people find what works for them, whether it's a supplement, giving up caffeine or alcohol, or conversely drinking some caffeine or alcohol or a particular supplement or trying to mask the symptoms with music, white noise etc. You have to work out what works for you, if anything and then learn the best way you can live with what you have.

Toughmathew profile image
Toughmathew in reply to PABLR

So as i said accept it stay for good eh

PABLR profile image

Yes. Until someone comes up with a cure!

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