5G or stress?: Have the affects of 5G microwave... - Tinnitus UK

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5G or stress?

Wringing1212 profile image
10 Replies

Have the affects of 5G microwave technology been tested on a broad scale?

I've followed the link to the WHO website that Pat provided, and it states that 5G causes a rise in body temperature. Wouldn't any affect be compounded with other microwaves? And wouldn't a rise in body temperature be as concerning as climate change?

Like GEO engineering, the council of foreign ralations enacts many policies that we the public have no say in. We already know that cell phones are very harmful to our bodies. Why aren't these issues given more review at a critical clinical level?

We already know that the "governments" have far more data available on Tinitus and 5G than what they share publicly. I think we need to look at telecom, big pharma, and the military industrial complex, for answers to these questions.

if you read through the US Senate Commity hearing minutes, or closed session Congressional hearings minutes, you can find quite astounding presentations on both sides of the scientific argument. All of this available via leaks from noncomplacent participants, but later deleted from devices by google and Facebook, Microsoft, apple. These powers given them by the Patriot Act.

I still believe that stress (nerve damage hit by stress hormones)"could be the major player here" but that is a guess at best, and there are many covert operations being conducted that have adverse health affects. It's imparative that we consider all possibilities rather than resign ourselves to a sugar pill given by the WHO.

I welcome any comments to debunk my theories. I, like many of you, would just love to know the truth about T.

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Wringing1212 profile image
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10 Replies
TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Wringing1212. There are often concerns about technology accompany any new device or service which reaches the market. The World Health Organisation's guidance which you've paraphrased says this:

"Tissue heating is the main mechanism of interaction between radiofrequency fields and the human body. Radiofrequency exposure levels from current technologies result in negligible temperature rise in the human body."

The take away for me from that passage is the phrase 'neglible temperature rise', rather than the idea that the human body's temperature can rise from exposure to radiation. That's a very good summation of more complex ideas which invite more exploration.

I would cite stress as the most likely factor aggravating most people's habituated tinnitus - there's more evidence and research to support the role of stress in increasing people's perception of underlying health issues than there is for hypothetical shady practices by organisations and government aligned bodies.

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

I agree and it’s v important people don’t go down a rabbit hole with it. Stress is the major player, there’s no doubt about it. Plus are minds are so clever and can exacerbate an issue if we focus on it. It’s horrible when we’re triggered but inevitably it passes.

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Chall11

Agreed, the best medicine available is to decompress and distract to allow acclimation(acceptance) but as you must know, T can also spike for no apparent reason. It's likely a stressor but could be physical or psychological.

Areas to consider:

T involves the-

Lymphatic system

Nervous system

Circulatory system

Damage to the auditory nerves(very complex integrated system)triggers the immune system (also complex and integrated)response which releases stress hormones that heightens circulation and dialation of veins and arteries. Pulsatile tinnitus is more intermittent and telling of this affect. Hyperacusis is equally as complicated and involves all of the above......my search will have to continue, rabbit hole or not

Thank you very much for the reply.


Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Hi Pat, thank you for replying.

Most industries assert terms like negligible, when trying to belittle the risks of things such as smoking cigarettes or breathing asbestos.

Those same companies have mutual partners with interests in telecommunications.

The WHO is by design, underfunded and depends largely on the advice of private laboratories or studies provided by large companies like 3M, or Apple. The FDA and USDA have similar functions.

In the past, we as property owners were asked to approve the erecting of cell phone towers in our communities, if they are in close proximity to the inhabitants. One neighborhood will fight it, with lawyers presenting the legitimate health risks, while another (usually a big land owner) will sell out, leasing a beautiful mountain top to the companies to build a huge tower, and then lease it out to anyone in this unregulated industry, to put whatever devices they can throw at it.

"More towers, more power."

With the roll out of 5G, there were no notices, or public reviews. The towers went up overnight, with large signs saying "warning, radiation that can be dangerous to your health, keep 100 feet away". It doesn't say negligible and it's now right on my property line. I've found two of the towers emitting loud buzzing.

With that said, I consider the towers to be one of the lesser likely causes of T, but I'm not ruling it out as a possible contributor. A physicist might cross it off the list, but quantum physicist probably wouldn't.

Resigning yourself to accepting T, seems realistic if you have mild symptoms, but if like me, it's getting so loud that you start righting your congressional leaders, you have no choice but to face the (loud) music.

In the beginning of what I thought was severe T, I found ignoring this forum more helpful than reading or participating. As my T shot up, I needed to look for answers. One of the things that's most disappointing for a T patient, is dismissive responses from professionals who's job it is to further the research in search of a treatment or cure. I've paid a lot of money to specialist who's explanations vary, but who's saleries continue to go up like my Tinnitus. The most informed people on the T topic, are long term survivors like myself. Maybe the audiologist needs to listen more carefully to what they can learn from those people?

Anyhow, thank you for listening to my questions.


TinnitusUKPat profile image
TinnitusUKPatPartner in reply to Wringing1212

Thank you, Wringing1212 - I suspect that we're going to have to agree to disagree on a lot of the issues which you've raised. I hope that you notice some improvement in your tinnitus soon and that you find this forum offers a calm and safe place to talk about your experience with the condition.

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Hello Pat,

Please accept my apologies if I've come off as confrontational. I have a background in editorial journalism and tend to over analyze things. I try to only conclude when I can coroberate what I find.

I've taken it upon my self to search for the cause of my recently acquired lower pitched tinnitus symptom.

Through contacting the lead attorney in cases involving cell towers, I've learned that although it's more likely a mechanical problem that's recently developed in my ear, many wireless providers are having trouble with maintenance on towers because of the covid 19 shutdowns-Not enough staff working to make sure the new transmitters are working to spec, and to make sure the old ones keep working- The old ones have been giving more problems(hence the loud buzzing) because they've quickly fallen into neglect.

It has been well established, that cellular waves cause tumors in the ear, but less connection has been linked to T as of yet.

I will continue to work on relaxation, as the best treatment, and assume that healthunlocked primary function is to accomplish the same, without raking the mud and upsetting the patients.

Thank you for your continued support to this network,


By the way, a side note of interest: that attorney (voted lawyer of the year by our national bar association)seemed more knowledgeable of tinnitus than the head audiologists at the University of San Francisco's Tinitus department(where I've been a patient of) An institution that receives hundreds of millions in grants from the US military to research tinnitus for undisclosed reasons.

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Just heard back from my fact checking department. This is a good source for the affects of 5G: 5Gappeal.eu

PanPilot profile image

I'm old enough to remember when microwave ovens first appeared 40 years ago. They were going to cause all sorts of ills due to the 'harmful radiation filling our homes'. An entire generation was going to have brain tumours and go blind. A bit like how the millennium bug was going to make all of the world's airliners fall out of the sky at the stroke of midnight at the start of the year 2000.

And we didn't have the pleasures of social media to fan the flames of the theorists then.

The bald fact is that we are all subject to a constant bombardment from radio waves in our modern homes, and have been for decades now. Mobile phone? - check. Cordless landline phone? - check. iPad? - check. Smart TV? - check. Bluetooth headset or earbuds? - check. Wi-Fi broadband? - check. Alexa? - check. Cordless mouse and keyboard? - check. I'm sure I've forgotten lots of other things. They are all emitting RF radiation in one form or another, so singling out 5G is, I suspect, a bit of a red herring.

I have been through the mill at times with my T. At first I was convinced there must be some external cause which I could fix and all would be well. Pills, diet, vitamins, poor posture, the wrong pillow... but eventually I realised it all kicked off around the time I changed jobs, began to sleep badly, and found myself unconsciously clenching my teeth, especially at night. I didn't think I was particularly stressed, but I realise now that I was.

It's a vicious spiral. Stress - poor sleep - tired - tinnitus - worse sleep - more tired - more stress - worse tinnitus - frustration and irritability - high blood pressure - worse tinnitus... well, you get the picture.

We are all subject to more stress now. Work, travel, social media, who knows what else; and of course, as I write this, the The Great Coronavirus Lockup.

But the spiral can be unwound, at least to a large degree, as I have found. It has taken a while, but I sleep much better, my blood pressure is lower, far fewer headaches, and my T is a lot less bothersome.

Just stand back and take a good look at things overall. Decide what is really important in your life, and what isn't, what is stressing you, take control and do something about it. Maybe close most of your social media accounts. Pick up the phone instead and actually talk to people, laugh with them. Go for walks instead of running. Make time for a new pleasurable hobby. It works for me. Good luck!

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to PanPilot

Hi Pan Pilot,

Very true, we have been exposed to many environmental hazards that are worse than the radio waves that have only given us minimal trouble.

My first go round was with the department of energy back in 1983. They'd contracted with a company: Microwave Techniques. They planned to take my home and surrounding communities by eminent domain, then drill a well several miles deep in the earth, in which they planned to deposited all of the spent nuclear reactor rods from all the nuclear power plants throughout the world.

I and my community fought them and won. I later became friends with the contractor who wound up building the actual facility that is now in the Arizona dessert, scheduled to be brought into service this year.

Funny how things work.

I've had T since 2000, and in 2018, had a head and neck injury that prompted an epidural. That caused my T to spike to new levels. That prompted a brain scan. The MRI operators failed to protect my ear addiquitly, causing my T to get even worse. It never goes down, just gets louder.

So I've come to realize, there are many things that affect T:


Neck injuries

Head injuries

Brain scans

And cell phones, (which have been unilaterally proven to cause brain tumors)

As for the towers, probably most of it is harmless to most people. The term negligible is not used on the warning signs, posted on the towers in my neighborhood, but that's probably just to help protect them from frivolous lawsuits from conspiracy theorists. (Such as myself.🤓)

Microwave ovens are safe if you keep away from the door, unless they are old and faulty, or cheaply made, or skip inspection by the regulators. If that's the case, they are incredibly dangerous to human tissue. I still use them.

My most recent T symptom, has been the medium pitched pulsatile that's sounds like a motor in the next room. It has that vibration sensation. This very well could be a mechanical problem within my ear, but I need to vet all possibilities, because when added to the high pitched screaming of my centralized T, it's threatening my livelyhood.

By asking people on this forum, I thought I might find a pattern amoung others having the same recent symptom, or hear from others whoed had it prior to 5G. No substantial pattern seems evident but there is not enough people on this forum to perform a controlled study. That's something I wish could be organized, not for the question on 5G, but for all T related questions.

As for de-regulation, it's happening whether you believe in things like the "dark state" or not. My experiences with them began in 1983 and the Department Of Energy.

At the end of the day, there is little I can do about that, but I did in 1983. Now, I just want to find some calm.

Regarding Covid 19:

Half of my relatives are fighting cancer right now, and nobody's worried about that, but we are quick to leave one in four children short on meals, in order to save a much lesser number of people who will die from pneumonia, most of them seniors.

We all have a responsibility to make our own judgements, because trust in religion or governments or doctors, is partially blind.

As my T progresses, I'm losing faculties that I've used to cope in the past. My habituation has defaulted to songs repeating in my head 24/7. The first year of it drove me nuts, but now, the song is more my friend than the screaming, and the motor buzz, seems to harmonize with the scream, so I'll just ride this as long as I can, and stay busy to avoid thinking about my reality.

As for social media, this is the only platform I've ever participated in. Professionally, I have a following of over 1000,000 collectively, but I leave the management of it up to others because it drives me nuts, however, It keeps my 84 year old aunt alive so I shouldn't knock it.

Thanks for responding. I've enjoyed your comments and advice.


Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to PanPilot

Hi Pan Pilot,

I heard back from my source on 5G


This addresses where most of my concerns were coming from.

They don't specifically cite Tinitus as a health risk. Still, I'd support scrutiny of something that has been deployed universally, without review.

But of course, de-stressing is still the priority.

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