I was advised by hospital consulltant 1. year ago to see asthma nurse for pneumonia vaccine,was told surgery was waiting for vaccine to come in,been constantly asking & phoning every week only to be advised still not available,would appreciate any advice please..Thank you..
Primrose123I: I was advised by hospital... - Bronchiectasis Su...

Can't help you I'm afraid. I had no trouble at all getting mine at my GP's clinic, in fact within a week of asking. I guess, just keep pestering them or maybe see if you can get it done at Boots. They do flu jabs so maybe Pneumonia too? Otherwise maybe ask at the hospital. Your Consultant should be able to authorise it I'd have thought.
Good luck. Hopefully you manage one way or another.
Thank you Ceejay65 for your kind reply,I will ask in Boots to-morrow & hopefully,I will get it there,I do know that in the past year there has been a massive shortage in the pneumonia vaccine... Hope all is good & well with you Ceejay65,& Happy Christmas,& wishing you good health & much happiness in the coming year!!!God bless...
Sorry Primrose123 can't help you on this I had my Pneumonia jab with my Flu jab a few years ago and don't know if there is a shortage of P jabs this year or not. I was worried cos I had to wait till last week for my Flu Jab which seems a bite late to me. Anyway once you do get your P jab its just once then you are covered for life I believe all the best Maugie
Hello Maugie,thank you for your reply,I had the pneumonia vaccine 8 years ago but as I have asthma/ bronchiectasis,consultant advised another pneumonia vaccine that was 1 year ago, kept asking &phoning surgery but due to shortage of p vaccine was unable to receive it,but Ceejay65 kindly advised me that as Boots do the flu vaccine,they may do the pneumonia one too,so I will go to-morrow to Boots & hopefully I will if they do it,I will get it there...Have a lovely Christmas,Maugie & I wish you a Happy &Healthy 2019...God bless..x
How did you get on Primrose? I’m having the same problem.
Consultant says I need it as my levels are low but the surgery keep telling me they can’t get hold of any.x
I did not get vaccine Dawnsunny as apparently there is still a shortage,I did have vaccine 8 years ago & a doctor told me that I do not require another one,although consultant had advised to get another one,l did get antibiotics changed Dawnsunny as I had been on Amoxicillin for many years & I felt that I was taking too many flare-ups,that was why I asked for a referral to see consultant but I have to say,the change of antibiotics &also doing daily breathing exercises so far has helped tremendously Dawnsunny,I have also started a very healthy diet which I feel has been beneficial too,I was not happy taking all those steroid &antibiotics every 4/6 weeks so hopefully I should not require so much medication,I also clear any phlegm each morning &evening & go for a walk 30 mins daily...I think making small changes in your everyday lifestyle can work wonders Dawnsunny &is certainly worth a try... I wish you very well,& hope this year you have good health &much happiness,if I can be of any help in anyway Dawnsunny ,please just keep in touch...Take care&God bless.Primrose123..x
A lot of sound advice, thank you for your reply.
I have found it advertised on Superdrug travel vaccine clinic. Costing £30.
Haven’t taken it up yet, guess it’s annoying me that I have to pay.
Wishing you so much health and happiness too Primrose123.
Ps my hubby bought me a vibration exercise plate for Xmas, this helps too. X
I believe there is a shortage of this vaccine. Had trouble getting it last year as practice nurse refused to give it to me as there was a shortage. Said there people more at risk than me.
I also have Rhuematoid arthritis and take medication that immunosuppressive so more at this risk.
I eventually was given after speaking with the doctor. This was before bronchiectasis diagnosis.
I complained to the practice manager about the nurse. I haven’t seen her since.
She needs to do some homework as I felt she didn’t know much about RA and it’s medication.
Hope you get your pneumonia vaccine soon
Thank you Matilda 1922 for your kind reply,I am delighted that you eventually managed to have your P.vaccine... I did not pursue the issue anymore,as I was continually advised that there was a shortage & also was advised by a locum doctor that as I previously had the P.vaccine 8 years ago,I would not require another one, I gently reminded him that I had asked for a referral to see a consultant &it was the consultant who suggested that with bronchiectasis a P.vaccine is required every 5 years,but however I have recently had my antibiotics changed & also been on a very healthy diet &exercise program &also have managed to cut down my preventer inhaler,so far I feel a dramatic improvement in many ways,still taking preventer inhaler twice daily as opposed to 4 puffs daily,I have not required to use reliever inhaler atall since starting new programme,so Matilda 1922 sometimes making a few changes can make a vast difference in many ways,I just thought I would try a few different methods myself,&so far so good..I hope all works out good & well for you Matilda 1922,& I wish you good health &good luck for the future...God bless you always!!!x
Hi primrose123
I work in a hospital so its difficult to avoid iinfection so thats why I persued the pnuemonia vaccine as suggested by the rhuematologist.
I have started a healthy diet and exercise. Now walking even if it's slow. In time should start to get faster and longer.
Have as a good day.