Just taking Lactulose 4 times a day. most meals are salads. with twenty grams of plant base protein
Having a hard time walking and keeping my balance.
Just taking Lactulose 4 times a day. most meals are salads. with twenty grams of plant base protein
Having a hard time walking and keeping my balance.
Is lactulose the only treatment you are on for HE? My hubby was on lactulose, Rifaximin and towards the finish was also put on Lo-la (L'ornithine L'aspartate). The latter is supposed to work miracles for some folks - didn't do much for hubby but it was maybe already too late for him when it was added. Hubby thankfully got a transplant - largely due to how serious his HE became.
Have you seen a dietician? It might be you arn"t eating adequate protein and carbs to fuel - if your losing muscle mass it will contribute to toxin build up.
. I have H.E. and agree with Katie that it is really helpful to see a Dietician who can help you work out the best diet for you that best suits your preferences and lifestyle. I would also recommend the British Liver Trust H.E. support group on Zoom. Very friendly informative and it's great to hear from people who are going through similar experiences to your own. The next is one on Fri 14th March. Do contact the British Liver Trust for a link.
Best wishes
Hi,I was diagnosed with HE 5 years ago and I had the same symptoms as yourself.
I used to call them “The wobbles” as for no particular reason I would lose my balance and stumble into things. My daughter actually bought me protectors to slide over the door handles in my apartment. I also used a walking stick for around 18 months and that helped me immensely.
I know everyone’s journey is different but over time it should settle down. It may well be worth consulting your doctor to ensure you are in the correct medication and dosage.
I wish you well and please feel free to reach out at any time. HE is still a condition that’s under treated and it’s vital it’s bought to the fore.
It does get better