Morning all,
I’ve been taking 100g of Azathiaprine for 18 months for AIH which has now been increased to 150g. I can really notice an increase in fatigue and wondered if anyone else has fatigue as a side effect?
thanks all
Morning all,
I’ve been taking 100g of Azathiaprine for 18 months for AIH which has now been increased to 150g. I can really notice an increase in fatigue and wondered if anyone else has fatigue as a side effect?
thanks all
That seems an awfully big dose - it's usually decided on body weight but I don't get the impression you are overly large.
Fatigue is sadly a common symptom of AIH and some of the meds.
If you do Facebook there is a very well informed private AIH support group on there who can share experiences and knowledge.
I have AIH diagnosed in 2022, I agree with the other reply, join the Facebook group, I find it very helpful. I’d never heard of AIH before I was diagnosed. Fatigue is something I live with and understand it’s a symptom of AIH. I started with Azathioprine but it made me very nauseous so I now take Mycophenolate. I think the fatigue is the AIH not the medication.
Hi I take Aza and have fatigue. I am a member of the Facebook group for AIH .
Some people suffer with fatigue and others don't. I am sure you will get a big response if you join the group
I have AIH, although I am asymptomatic, and I definitely recommend the Facebook group. It's a friendly group with lots of knowledge and advice.
I have AIH and have been taking 150mg Aza 19 months with no issues. The AIH groups on Facebook are a great source of knowledge and support.
I have noticed, hair loss when I first started the drug. Although I was taking mine for rheumatoid arthritis, which helps tremendously. And bonus, it brought down my liver enzymes. Which are always elevated due to primary biliary cirrhosis. I can’t say I am any more tired, while taking it. My hair started to come back after I started folic acid as well.
Hope this helps,
Lorraine Louise
Hello running44,
Short reply: think fatigue not uncommon with AIH
Long reply 🫣
I was on 100mg of Aza for over couple of years, increased to 150mg 7 months ago. I have a lot of AIH liver cirrhosis. I do feel fatigued and lack of energy, exercise seems to give a temporary boost 👍. Apparently my red blood cells are bit larger than normal, which strangely(?) means less oxygen carried around - possibly/probably contributes to fatigue.