i'm trying to get some advice on diet for my husband with cirrhosis. I believe i'm giving him a low calorie diet but he has put on weight so i wish to understand what i'm doing wrong. Do i ask the doctor first? No doctor or consultant has given me advice just saying keep weight down. thanks.
Diets: i'm trying to get some advice on... - British Liver Trust

Ask to see a dietician (if possible a liver specialist one). There are differing needs in someone with cirrhosis and it also depends on what caused the cirrhosis in the first place and also the stage of the cirrhosis and the individual's current state of nutrition.
Is the weight gain actually due to fat weight? or has he potentially got fluid build up as this can put weight up (and fairly rapidly too).
I agree with Katie. Also worth noting how much sugar is slipping in, especially if eating little and often. We found at one stage my husband was craving a lot of sugar which Drs agreeed was probably him just feeling the need for extra energy because of the cirrhosis.
I have Cirrhosis and I agree that a referral by the Consultant to a Dietician is the best plan. It's important to have enough protein when you have Cirrhosis. And the Dietician can work out the best diet taking into account your husbands' food preferences. I have found the Dieticians have really helped to improve my quality of life.
thank you all for your comments

Dear Lisa-H_1
In addition to the above, here are the links to information about cirrhosis on our website, which you may find useful
britishlivertrust.org.uk/in... (including a suite of publications towards the bottom that are downloadable or can be posted)
If you would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust