Good morning friends, I hope your all okay, well not much has been happening lately, trying to focus on life with moving home amongst many other good things going on, Got an appointment with my consultants this Tuesday coming, they called me to come in and receive those results from the CT scan two months ago almost, since being diagnosed with decompensated liver disease last August, now believe I'm in compensated liver disease. I have been very strict with my diet, truly, I have had no jaundice, no fluid buildup, no swollen ankles no pains. As you know I wasn't armed with the facts regarding diet and nutrition before I was back in hospital this year for eating lots of rubbish! I just didn't know!! Day by day,, my life is so much better for giving up booze, not everything is rosey in the garden but my life is certainly better, from sleeping rough and drinking myself to death, to a having my own flat and stopping booze life is beautiful. I denied myself all these beautiful things because I thought I was happy drunk. How wrong was I really, if I'm really honest I don't miss booze, I miss people! But deep down they never drank like me! I almost died last August, and it kicked in me a motivation like never before,, I now have a wealth of support and information, true loving friends too ๐, beyond my wildest dreams. Bloods holding to good or level anyway. My body soon tells me otherwise, I ate a cake big fat chocolate cake few months ago and wow!!!!! My body told me to stop it, so I did I felt internally unwell, gave the cake away. This form has changed my life, BLT has educated me and informed me to do the right things. Day by day I live in hope for myself and others here and those not here! One step at a time! Not everyday is magical but compared to how my life was! Everyday is a day beautiful to be alive x
Taz ๐๐