hi partner diagnose decompensated cirrhosis 22.12.21 - stopped drinking immediately . He was very ill, just had copies of bloods from the last 3 months, everything is slowly improving, bilirubin 60 down from 250 in Dec, ALT, ALP & platelets all within normal range, INR improved from 1.7 to 1.5 CRP down from 41 in Dec to 17 start of March, albumin still low at 24 but has improved slowly. He had awful edema in hospital but resolved whilst the ascites still remained (currently drained every 3 weeks) Within the last 6 weeks the edema has returned, all throughout his legs top to bottom he is very uncomfortable any thoughts why symptoms might be worsening whilst bloods improving. Not all symptoms, he is MUCH less yellow, no nose bleeds, no bruising
Its hard to keep him hopeful for the future at the moment as he can hardly move. Any advise or words of hope so gratefully received x