Looking for advice, sharing my story. - British Liver Trust

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Looking for advice, sharing my story.

Bazinga89 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone. I've been diagnosted with chronic liver disease in September 2021 after long battle with my GP that something is qrong woth me and done private blood tests and scans by my own.Then my diagnosis stuck on the way to clinc becouse of COVID. Hard to say what kind of disease is as my doctor thinks is alcohol related and autoimmune factors. Autoimmune possibility is becouse of some my blood tests for AIH are positive.

My liver biopsy results is steatotis with very severe fibrosis as there is no evidence of cirrhosis. My doctor adviced that is not that very bad and my damage is 8 out of 10.

Also my CT scan shows enlarged spleen and liver but without cirrhosis . On the other hand ultra sound was saying cirrhotic structure of liver.

But my Fibroscan says S0 and F4 stage cirrhosis

I got mild ascetics, so itchy skin, ocassionally nose bleeding, little jaudice and massive hair loss.

All the results makes me so confused.Is any possibility that some tests saying different results? I am quite concerned is liver transplant could save me? Doctor said try healthy diet and we will monitor your liver as liver transplant is now no required.

I try to stay positive but I don't know for how long you can live with that much damage.

To anyone read this post if you still drinking with liver disease STOP it now. I tried many times but was back again but now I'm 3 months witPhout alcohol. I knew that I'm destroying my liver but addiction was way much powerful. If I could turn back time to the day I started drink I would never do this.

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Bazinga89 profile image
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16 Replies
Zukosmile07 profile image

Wow....I had a similar situation where I was told that I had cirrhosis of the liver and kept being drained and sent home.

I kept on turning back up in A n E with chronic stomach pains and more ascites fluid.

Still I kept being sent home.

I went back with pain, ascites and blood coming out of me (not touched a drop of alcohol in 4 months) and was in hospital for a month. I had every CT scans, ultrasound imaging, echo scan, fibro scan, endoscopy camera, x-rays and hundreds of blood tests. I was confused but telling the liver nurses and doctors that I didn't think I was.

Then I had a visit from a doctor (I couldn't even tell you his name because I was out of it) he said " your liver cuput" (I write this exactly as he said it) I said ' sorry what' he then said "liver cuput" then walked away.

I had to chase and pester my doctor's and liver nurses to get an appointment with a specialist consultant.

I have decompensated cirrhosis stage 4 and got told I have 1 to 3 years to live.

Now I'm on the transplant list but you have to be genuine, committed, determined, follow every instruction (especially from the dietician) and the most important thing never have a drink again.

I feel like what you do at times and if I knew how much damage it causes, then I wouldn't of drank alcohol.

Good luck with your journey.... Try and get a specialist consultant who is not afraid or too busy to diagnose you correctly.

Sending you some love........

Fibro2021 profile image

Hello, In general, situation reminds me of mine, including the "long battle" with doctors for the correct diagnosis ...

Worried49 profile image

Hi Bazinga, I found out on Thursday I had Fibrosis, score was 7.5 and 9 as the consultant did 2 Fibroscans. I had high liver enzymes earlier this year and some hair loss but other than that, no other symptoms. I’ve lost a lot of weight but have been running a lot so put it down to that. My bloods returned to normal after I stopped drinking alcohol, but I went for a private liver screen as I wanted to be sure. Consultant said no chirossis but I’m waiting for ultrasound. I am so worried about the ultrasound and getting conflicting information makes it worse. I didn’t think hair loss was down to liver, I thought it was the menopause… I agree I wish I hadn’t drunk alcohol, it really is a silent killer… no warning whatsoever.Take care

Smegmer profile image
Smegmer in reply to Worried49

Fibroscan is considered more accurate than an ultrasound for Liver damage, Fibroscan is specifically designed to check liver stiffness. I would guess you are in a high state of anxiety, try to relax, your score could be lower but it doesn't indicate F4 right now. I know how it feels to worry about this, I was very freaked out a few years ago and it turned out nothing was wrong. These Consultants are very smart people, he/she will be much more informed than a GP.

Adrian Chiles had a similar score to you and he is still alive and not Cirrhotic, he even did a documentary about it:


With not drinking and living healthier you should get that score down.

Worried49 profile image
Worried49 in reply to Smegmer

Thank you for sharing this, i watched it last night and it was so interesting. I reasonated with so much that was said by Adrian, I had no idea I was damaging my liver whilst drinking socially and generally having a good time! but at the same time battled in my head in case I was. And I worried a lot about it so deep down I must have suspected but hoped I’d get away with it. I’m a little confused that the advice was to only cut down though and not abstain altogether with that reading of 8.9 I was told to abstain completely and I’m worried as I’ve drunk less alcohol this year so wondering if my scores were even higher previously and if so is my current score showing reflective of where I am. I’ve no interest in drinking alcohol now, I realise it took away so much, and I’ve spent less time with my daughter as a result I’ll always regret what I’ve done to myself.

I’m also really confused about the difference between ALD and fibrosis and alcoholic hepatitis? I’ve no fat apparently ( I run 5k at least 3 times a weeks, so my damage assuming is all alcohol over many years, and I just need to stop to reverse the damage. I never hit a situation where alcohol was causing major issues but looking back, I believe alcohol was affecting my moods, sleep and possibly caused early menopause.. also my hair has thinned and I have been searching for the last couple of years for answers as to why! Now I realise it was likely my liver struggling all along! I’ve lost so much weight through anxiety since beginning of this year, I just want to be healthy! Trish

Smegmer profile image
Smegmer in reply to Worried49

I know the feeling of suddenly realising you have been relying on alcohol for most of your life. But its the culture in the UK, certainly in the small village I grew up in. Guys would slowly sup beer most of the day and night in the local pubs. The word Alky was used as a joke and sometimes a badge of honour. Luckily I never had much money in my 20s and early 30s, I would most certainly would have drunk more. My drinking was a couple of pub visits a week, but a fairly hefty binge of 6/7 pints and a few whiskeys, around 40 units a week, maybe get an extra night for 55/60 units here and there. Adrian was on over 100 units, which is pretty staggering, I have never done 1 week of that. Weekends were usually a hang over and I have missed decades of weekends, things I could have used productively. Missed time with loved ones, my hobbies I used to enjoy gone etc. Just a cycle of working, getting to the weekend and eagerly contemplating getting to Tesco on a Friday to get my wine or going to the pub, sometimes both. Pretty sad really isn't it. But I never thought I had a problem, the guy in the flat next door who used to drink cheap cider all day had the problem not me.

I too was surprised Adrian didn't knock it on the head completely, the Liver consultant did give a stern warning, but I expected him to tell him to stop too. In fact, Adrian is still drinking now, but down to 20 units a week on his last update in 2020.

Hepatitis means swollen or inflamed Liver. so Alc-Hep is inflammation of the Liver caused by alcohol. Inflammation long term causes scarring and eventually Cirrhosis. The inflammation is caused by fat build up in the Liver, if too much fat gets in the Liver it starts to swell up and then the scarring starts. The Liver breaks down the Alcohol and part of this process produces fat which is supposed to be temporary, you get fatty Liver because are you putting too much alcohol into before it can clear the fat, so you just get a fat build up if you keep drinking

Komuna87 profile image

I was diagnose of steatosis liver in 2018 just ultra sono screens. After two years worse case, cirhosis, even no drinking between that time :-(. In next weeks I have some tests to see in which stage it is, but I have lot of symptoms, cardiovascular, bone leg pain... Wish you best in your journey

Amethyst91 profile image

How long did it take you to get diagnosed? How many tests did they run before your diagnosis? I’m so sorry this is all happening to you

Bazinga89 profile image
Bazinga89 in reply to Amethyst91

It took all almost 2 years becouse of covid my case stuck somewhere... then i hospital they gave me all test, earlier i had few US and blood tests but inly got letters from consultant with results...

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Bazinga89

Can I ask what your labs and symptoms were that got you going to see a dr?

Bazinga89 profile image
Bazinga89 in reply to Amethyst91

Firstly it was extremly tiredness, loss of apetite and weight,unexpexted bleedings from nose later 4mths ago I got yellow eyes, swollen tummy

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Bazinga89

I’m very tired all the time, have constant URQ pains and itch all the time. My drs keep telling me I don’t ace liver disease and I’ve been getting tested regularly for almost 2 yrs. I’m terrified I pushed my body too far and my lover is failing. I want to trust my drs but I feel like they don’t know a lot about early liver disease.

Bazinga89 profile image
Bazinga89 in reply to Amethyst91

Can I ask you what tests you had? Did you get any scans?

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Bazinga89

Since May 2020 I’ve had 4 ultrasounds 1 said mild fatty liver 1 said suggestive of fatty liver and the other two were negative, 3 CT scans that show 20cm long liver called Riedel’s lobe, 2 MRIs showing the same lobe and 15cm portal vein that my drs say isn’t a problem, two Doppler fibroscans that show normal flow and Kpa of 3.8, biopsy that showed no signs of fat, inflammation, or scarring, but did say mild bile pigment, 10 LFTs all normal besides bilirubin 1.5 and MCV 96.6.

My mom had cirrhosis so as soon as my ultrasound came back abnormal and I got the pains I pushed for every test I could get.

Bazinga89 profile image
Bazinga89 in reply to Amethyst91

I've send you message

Bazinga89 profile image
Bazinga89 in reply to Amethyst91

My labs was just very high LFT and Iron

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