Hi. I thought I would just give a little update on my husband. He went for a second opinion at St James, who are brilliant by the way however due to his weight and lack of fitness they felt the risk of transplant out weighed the benefit at this time. Also his liver is performing quite well and the main reason for referral was HE which he has never been hospitalised for, he hasn’t had any bleeds etc either.
So an error by Nottingha, due to our address reading LIncoln meant we we put in the care of Lincoln something I was going to change as Grantham is easier to get to. It turns out it was the best mistake ever, the consultant we spoke to was the first one to make sure I knew what to look for and when to get help, made sure I had his contact details, asked about his medication and picked (the same as Leeds) that he should have been on a calcium/vit D supplement and then asked is he still nauseous as the anti nausea med causes drowsiness, confusion, tremors and bladder problems and oh nausea. These are all things he has struggled with for two years so a week and a bit off of the drug and he is like a different person, he is like himself and no bladder problems either, the confusion has lifted it is amazing. The consultant was also very excited that his albium, bilirubin and INR were normal or nearly normal obviously still a poorly boy but such a change. The consultant also picked up that he should be checked for sleep apnea something Leeds suggested also.
So that’s where we are, he is steadily losing weight and improving his fitness as best he can until something hopefully can be done to ease his knees.
Sorry for the long post and I hope you are all keeping well and in this weather dry.
Pam x