MUM WITH ESLD: Hi all. As you know my... - British Liver Trust

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Toffegirl profile image
11 Replies

Hi all.

As you know my Mum has cirrhosis. She’s just been discharged from hospital after a few complications. Now she’s has yellow eyes again and like a jelly film on then she says. They look watery but it’s not water. Any ideas?? Could this be jaundice again, her skin has not changed in colour x

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Toffegirl profile image
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11 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Yellow eyes with the jelly like film you describe is likely to be jaundice again & is obviously a sign her bloods are off again.

Toffegirl profile image
Toffegirl in reply to AyrshireK

She’s just come out of hospital and they not said anything. She’s been again today for bloods.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Toffegirl

Sadly it's probably going to be just one of those things with her liver as it is. I take it her bloods from today haven't been reported yet.

Toffegirl profile image
Toffegirl in reply to AyrshireK

Not yet. She did mention it to the nurses but they didn’t seem concerned

Toffegirl profile image
Toffegirl in reply to AyrshireK

Just come round to see mum and her eyes are shocking. Very yellow in colour, the jelly has got worse and looks like there are blisters on her eye balls.

Peter_Plymouth profile image
Peter_Plymouth in reply to Toffegirl

Hopefully she is due to see a clinician again soon. Chase them for the blood results as sometimes they can get lost in the system. I assume she is under Hepatology at your local hospital and they usually have support nurses which you or your Mother could talk to. They usually have more time to support patients and more willing to spend the time explaining what is going on and what the plan of treatment is.

Good luck as I know this can be a stressful time - Peter

Toffegirl profile image
Toffegirl in reply to Peter_Plymouth

Yea she is Peter. Just that no one is available at weekends. Just spoke to a out of hours dr after calling 111 he’s just said she needs to give a blood test. She had a blood test Friday. I will speak with the nurses on Monday.

Peter_Plymouth profile image
Peter_Plymouth in reply to Toffegirl

Good luck and I hope you get some helpful answers.

You are doing the right thing and chasing hepatology. I have a good relationship with my hepatology nurses and they often give me more useful guidance than the consultants do.

Did they give any guidance on the discharge summary? It usually says what they have treated her for and any plans for future treatment should be on the discharge summary.

I know how worrying this can all be - feel free to DM me if you just want to vent or discuss something specific. All the very best and one last thing... Remember to look after yourself too as during times like this it can be all to easy to forget about yourself - Peter

Toffegirl profile image
Toffegirl in reply to Peter_Plymouth

Hi Peter thank you. I’ve read the discharge note and she was treated fora number of things but not jaundice. I noticed her eyes mid week. Then today they are terrible. I just don’t understand with the amount of blood test she has had that (if it is jaundice) it’s been missed. So will have to wait till Monday.

in reply to Toffegirl

Hi Toffeegirl, I'm sorry to hear that your mum isn't well right now. I'm glad you phoned 111 - if you continue to be concerned about her over the weekend, then please contact them again for further guidance. Take care, Trust10.

Bootandall profile image

It is also possible your mum has some sort of eye infection, in which case she will need to see an opthalmologist. I myself have blepharitis and frequently get styes due to slightest change (laundry soap, pillow, etc.) or carelessness (l wear contact lenses, this is also a contributing factor). Maybe being in the hospital irritated her eyes. What might help and can't hurt, wash her eyelids with baby shampoo, it helps restore skin pH.

Don't forget, eye doc needs to know about her cirrhosis. Take care xx

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