Has anyone experienced bad constipation? I get fibers all day from Blueberries, apples, spinach and grains and for the first time in a year, I’m constipated. Three days too long enough to be like this. Help! Beefeater
Constipation : Has anyone experienced... - British Liver Trust

Got colonoscopy tomorrow, first litre of prep bit touched it and it's disgusting and made me throw some back!! Best wishes Lynne
I hope it all goes well Lynne. Sometime we are given a KitKat after, and sometimes only custard creams. What did you have?
Bourbons and shortbreads mmm. How are you feeling today?
Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hi Beefeater. Occasionally I suffer. I find that usually a couple of glasses of prune juice sorts me out. I once used a glycerine suppository and it worked within half an hour. Hope it's sorted soon. Alf.
Hi Alf. Will try prune juice. Thank! hope you’re well and do another climbing stint. Beefy
Hello Beefeater! It's a horrible problem. I always get it if I haven't had enough water in the day, or for a couple of days. I was prescribed movical to take every day, it draws water into the gut. I don't think that's the best solution for me on a regular basis , only when I have, through other circumstances, not been drinking enough.
Is it possible that your difficulty wth chewing adds to your problem? Food that needed more chewing is more difficult to digest and takes longer to pass through the gut. And the longer it is in the gut, the more water gets removed from it and passes as urine. That's when things start to be a problem. Like Alf, prune juice is kind to me, but if I need less sugar, I find tinned spinach is even better! Go gently!

Hi Fil, I do have difficulty chewing due to dentures. I’ve had to gum lots of gooey food, and true, I pass a lot through urine. This is truly difficult and I’m losing hope. Now trying to get lactulose but it’ll keep on the same unless I can chew my food. Meantime, I’ll try prune juice. Thank you very much. I’ve losing sleep over it, Beefy
It helps digestion to blend food, soups, smoothies etc, but to 'chew' it as well rather than drinking it down which can be tempting. Also, If you have something that you really can chew as well it can satisfy that part of what makes eating a pleasure. When I remember an example of something I'll add it on here!

Just got a food processor and food was easy to get down. Just a little unappealing but hey, got the nutrients and easy to digest. Thanks Filistines

Hi Filistines. I guess this is why my hair, skin and everything else are dry. water passes through urine. Thanks again Filistines
I have sjogren's and pbc. Both of these as well as compromised liver, cause me very dry skin. I drench it in oat and rosemary oil. (probably any plant oil is as good, or anything but petrochemical derivatives) The oat oil is soothing and reduces itching. I don't know if any of this helps you? I hope so.

Fil: I only try coconut oil. Used to help with dry hair but not lately. I’ll try rosemary oil. Thanks again
be sure to mix it with a 'carrier oil' for example almond oil. Best never put neat oils on your skin, and to test for allergy first...
coconut oil seems always to dry my skin. everyone is different so we have to take care?
Are you not on Lactulose?
And if not have you got ibs?
The reason I had so many h.e. Attacks was because of my ibs which is constipation based 3 days isn't too bad just yet I used to go 2 weeks without a bowel movement but obviously its not good if you haven't gone in another 48 hours you should go see your gp
Hi Jojo. I was but stopped when I could poop ok last year. Now it’s different ballgame cause I can’t chew food well. I eat lots of mushy stuff due to bad teeth. Now I’m having problems with digestion and affects the bowel movement. I’ll have to take lactulose against. Thanks again
Make sure you balance your fibre intake with plenty of water
Hi Beefeater, we've been in the same situation before his transplant. We found a very simple thing that worked for him was golden linseed. One teaspoon before bedtime with plenty of water. It needs to be taken regularly. Another thing that works brilliantly is a pear a day. It's a natural detox! Milkthistle tea is good to detox aswell.
Coffee is a good liver cleanser too. We still like our coffee even now. I hope you are able to find the thing that works for you and makes you feel more comfortable.
Berties. I’ll try golden linseed which my daughter has. Been using milk thistle for detox. I love coffee but my liver doc says too drying for me. Thanks to all the helpful messages. Love this group. Beefeater
Yay! golden linseeds! thanks for mentioning it! I put them in my porridge and in kefir. I didn't know about a pear doing good. Thank you. Can't get enough remedies for this beast!
I mean constipation, not beefeater, obvs.

I was told years ago, always eat the jacket off a baked potato
Hi Beefeater. I have severe problems with constipation. I have upto 8 laxido a day lactulose 3 times a day and 2 senna on a night. I still have problems. See your liver specialist because all the toxins from your poo can cause HE. I totally sympathise with you, I spend half my day on the loo.
I’ve had constipation on and off all my life so know how you feel. There’s a Facebook page called Constipation Fact Files that has a free download with lots of suggestions that are helpful.
Thanks Tormented. Finally pooped after 4 days after dose lactulose. Doctor wanted me to take gavilyte and miralax daily I’m on on my own now withOut additional dosage! Yes!!!!!